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1917 ,
1973 .

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: Abbie Bakan, Marxism, Oppression and Liberation, Marxism
no.2, 2004.

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1 Mario Nain, Chile Climate of Fear, Socialist Review 225 (December

1998), pp10-11.
2 ,
, Pamela Sugimen, Privilege and Oppression: The Configuration
of Race, Gender, and Class in Southern Ontario Auto Plants, 1939
to 1949, Labour/Le Travail, no. 47 (Spring, 2001); Peter S Li,
Destination Canada: Immigration Debates and Issues (New York:
2003); Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, eds., Socialist Register: Fighting
Identities (London: 2003); Carl E James and Adrienne Shadd, eds.,
Talking About Identity: Encounters in Race, Ethnicity and Language
(Toronto: 2001); Naline Visvanthan, et al, eds., The Women, Gender
and Development Reader (New Jersey: 1997) .
3 Cedric Robinson, Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical
Tradition (London: Zed Books, 1983).
4 Alex Callinicos, Race and Class (London: 1993), p13; Manning
Marable, How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America (Boston:
1983); Cornel West, Race Matters (New York: 1994) .
5 Howard Winant, Difference and Inequality: Postmodern Racial
Politics in the United States, in Racism, the City and the State, eds.,
Malcolm Cross and Michael Kieth (London: 1993), p110.
6 Lindsey German, Sex, Class and Socialism (London: 1989); and
Womens History, in Essays on Historical Materialism, ed., John
Rees (London: 1998), pp41-55 .
7 , Margaret Anderson and Patricia Hill Collins, eds.,
Race, Class and Gender: An Anthology (California: 1992); Vijay
Agnew, Resisting Discrimination: Women from Asia, Africa and
the Caribbean and the Womens Movement in Canada (Toronto:
1996); Himani Banarji, ed., Returning the Gaze: Essays on
Racism, Feminism and Politics (Toronto: Sister Vision Press, 1993);
Chandra Mohanty, Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism
(Bloomington: 1991) .
8 Leith Mullings, Uneven Development: Class, Race, and Gender in
the United States Before 1900, in Eleanor Leacock, Helen I. Safa, et
al, Womens Work (Massachusetts: 1986), pp41-57 .

| 185

9 Alex Callinicos, Social Theory (Cambridge UK: 1999), p265.

10 , Yutaka Dirks, Doing Things Differently this Time:
Kananaskis G8 Meeting and Movement Building, Colours of
Resistance, .
11 . , Starhawk, The G8 June
Meeting in Kananaskis: A Strategic Moment, Znet, May 27, 2002,
12 Susan Faludi, Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American
Women (New York: 1991) .
, Martin Loney, The Pursuit of Division: Race, Gender and
Preferential Hiring in Canada (Montreal: 1998) Neil Bissoondath,
Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada (Toronto:
1994) .
13 , Stanley Aronowitz, The Politics of Identity (New York:
14 Naomi Klein, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies (Canada:
2000), p113.
15 Mark Naison, Communists in Harlem During the Depression (New
York: 1983) Kate Weigand, Red Feminism: American Communism
and the Making of Womens Liberation (Baltimore: 2001) .
16 .
, Mike Haynes, Russia: Class
and Power 1917-2000 (London: 2002).
17 1960 ,

(Jim Crow Laws)[ ]
. Kevin Ovendon, Malcolm X: Socialism and Black
Liberation (London: 1992), p22.
18 , Georg Lukacs, History and Class
Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics (Cambridge: 1968).
19 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, On Colonialism (New York: 1972).
, pp7-8. Karl Marx and
Frederick Engels, Marx and Engels on the United States (Moscow:
1979) .
20 Frederick Engels, Origin of the Family, Private Property and the
State, K Marx and F Engels, Selected Works, vol. 3 (Moscow: 1976),

186 | 21:

, Paul M. Siegel, The Meek and the Militant: Religion and Power
Across the World (London and New Jersey: 1986) .
22 , Karl Marx and
Frederick Engels, Ireland and the Irish Question (New York: 1972)
Chris Bambery, Irelands Permanent Revolution, 3rd edition (London:
1990) .
23 , Alex
Callinicos, Race and Class (London: 1993); Peter Alexander, Racism,
Resistance and Revolution (London: 1987) Robin Blackburn, The
Making of New World Slavery: From the Baroque to the Modern,
1492-1800 (London: 1997) The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 17761848 (London: 1988) .
24 Chris Harman, Engels and the Origins of Human Society,
International Socialism, series 2, no. 65 (Winter 1994) .
25 Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question in Robert C Tucker, ed., The
Marx-Engels Reader (New York: 1972), pp24-51.
, Abbie Bakan, The Jewish
Question: A Marxist Analysis, Marxism, no. 1, 2003 .
26 Marx, Jewish Question, p33.
27 Kevin Anderson, Marx on Suicide in the
Context of his Other Writings on Alienation and Gender Karl
Marx, Peuchet on Suicide, in Marx on Suicide, Eric A Plaut and
Kevin Anderson, eds. and intro., trans., Eric A Plaut, Gabrielle
Edgecomb, and Kevin Anderson (Evanston Illinois: Northwestern
University Press, 1999), pp3-28; and pp43-76 .
28 Karl Marx, Peuchet on Suicide, pp50-51.
. 1843 10
1845 1 ,
1845~46 ,
(Memoirs of the Police Archives) .
29 Karl Marx, Peuchet on Suicide, p67.
30 Karl Marx, Peuchet on Suicide, p58.
31 .

| 187

32 Anderson, Marx on Suicide, p12.

33 Chris Harman, Base and Superstructure, International Socialism
Journal, series 2, no. 32 (Summer 1986), pp3-44 .
34 Karl Marx, Early Writings, trans. and ed., T B Bottomore (New
York: 1963); Grundrisse: Introduction to the Critique of Political
Economy, trans., Martin Nicolaus (Harmondsworth: 1973); Capital.
35 Karl Marx, Speech at the Anniversary of the Peoples Paper, E
Lunn, Marxism and Modernism, in Judy Cox, An Introduction to
Marxs Theory of Alienation, International Socialism, series 2, no.79
(Summer 1998), p41 .
36 Judy Cox, An Introduction, pp47-51 .
37 , Alex
Callinicos, Equality (Cambridge UK: 2000) [: , (2006)]
38 , Peter
Morgan, Class Divisions in the Gay Community, International
Socialism , series 2, no. 78 (March 1998), http://pubs. .
, Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish
Became White (New York: 1995) .
39 Marx and Engels, Selected Correspondence (Moscow: 1965), pp236237, Alex Callinicos, Race and Class, pp34-35 .
40 Alex Callinicos, in Race and Class, International Socialism,
series 2, no. 55 (Summer 1992), p19 .
41 W E B Dubois, Black Reconstructionism in America 1860-1880 (New
York: 1969), pp700-701.
42 Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Canadas Creeping Economic Apartheid,
CSJ Foundation for Research and Education, May, 2001, http://www. .
43 V I Lenin, What is to Be Done? (Moscow: 1969), p80 Lenin,
Collected Works, vol. 5, p423 .

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