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Structure 2 Fall 2013

8th Class: October 20, 2013

Modul 12: Adverbial Clauses III

Paramitha Mansoer

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

Class 7 : Adverbial Clauses I & II

Adverbial clauses adalah anak kalimat. Adverbial clauses yang akan dibahas adalah: 1. Adverbial clauses of contrast : anak kalimat dgn kata penghubung yang memperlihatkan pertentangan 2. Adverbial clauses of cause : anak kalimat dgn kata penghubung yang menyatakan sebab

Learning Activity 1
Adverbial Clauses of Contrast

Adverbial Clauses of Contrast

Concessive Clauses Mengungkapkan akibat yg tidak diharapkan yg diungkapkan pada main clauses

Adverbial Clauses of Contrast

Adversative Clauses Memperlihatkan pertentangan yang jelas antara 2 klausa

Concessive Clauses
Conjunction Even though / although / though
Despite/ in spite of the fact that Regardless of/ notwithstanding the fact that

Example Even though I felt very tired, I tried to finish my work.

Despite the fact that prices went down recently, the company made a huge profit. The company made a huge profit notwithstanding the fact that prices went down.

Learning point! 1. Despite, in spite of, regardless of dan notwithstanding merupakan adverbial clauses HANYA apabila kata tersebut ditambah dengan the fact that 2. Abridgment (penyingkatan) dapat dilakukan dengan menghilangkan subjek dan bentuk be. Example: Although he is working for long hours, he manages to find time to play. Although working for long hours, he manages to find time to play.

Adversative Clauses
Conjunctions Whereas While Where Sentences Some people delight in doing goods, whereas other takes pleasure in doing evil Some people delight in doing goods, while other takes pleasure in doing evil Some people delight in doing goods, where other takes pleasure in doing evil

Learning point! 1. Tanda koma (,) tetap digunakan walaupun adverbial clause berada setelah main clause.

Learning Activity 2
Adverbial Clauses of Cause

Adverbial Clauses of Cause

Conjunction Because Since As Sentences He couldnt come because he was ill Since he was ill, he couldnt come He couldnt come as he was ill

Now that Inasmuch as

As long as

Now that he has passed the exam, he can get his degree Inasmuch as no one was hurt, the judge gave him light sentence
As long as it is raining, I wont come outside

Learning point! 1. Since dan as memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan because, sementara now that berarti because now. 2. Perbedaan dari adverbial clauses of cause dan adverbial clauses of result terletak pada conjunction yg digunakan. Keduanya meng-ekspresikan hubungan sebab-akibat, akan tetapi clauses of cause menujukkan sebab dan clauses of result menunjukkan akibat. Clauses of Cause Because she sang so beautifully, she won the festival Clauses of Result She sang so beautifully that she won the festival

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