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Daily Writings- English 1102

Daily Writing #1- January 13, 2014 The people that would be most knowledge about my family would be my mother or grandmother for my mothers side. My grandmother is first generation here in America and my mother has been back to Germany and has talked to her grandparents when she was younger. For my fathers side of the family it would be him or my grandparents, they are the same situation as my mothers side. They are first generation born here in America. Both my grandparents ha e also been back to !ungary and "weden to see family so they are ery knowledgeable. #. $here did our family immigrate from, and why% &. $here did they come through when the arri ed here in the 'nited "tates% (. $here did they go once they got here and how they sur i e% Daily Writing #2- January 15, 2014 My mothers entire family is German, as a German family we make what is called )ollardin. My mother and grandmother are the only ones * know of who know how to make it. $hat )ollardin is, is a combination of saut+ed onions and cumin on the inside. ,n the outside is typically meat of some sort, my mother makes it with flank steak, but traditionally it is made with Bracoile or round steak. The process to make this dish is to take the saut+ed onions and roll them inside the cut meat. Then you either tie rope around them or put toothpicks through them. Finally, you brown the meat and ser e with potatoes and homemade spaet-le. * personal can make this if * was to try because the process is simple but my mother adds other seasonings to make it better. My dinner would definitely turn out ery boring Daily Writing #3- January 22, 2014 The most uncon entional place * called home when * was younger would be this one section of my yard. This section had a big pile of wood from a bunch of trees we cut down. Behind this pile of wood was a fence and the clearing was about two feet wide. *f you walked behind the pile of wood between the wood and the fence, on the other side of the pile was a giant tree and with in this tree was a huge clearing. $hen * first disco ered this place * needed to cut a couple branches to make it cleaner. But once * cleared the area it was cool, it was a place * could go during the summer and it was shaded and outside. The place was * e en put a chair out there to sit in. There were a few times when * would get upset with my parents or something else * would 0ust go out there and sit there starring up at the sky and around the yard. *f you were to look up you some of the branches had created a hole and you could see the sky. The best part of this place was no one could see me from outside the tree but once you got into the tree you could see out in the yard and up.

Daily Writing #4- January 27, 2014 #. &. (. 4. 1. 6. 8. 9. 12 stars for the 12 states George $ashington, Barack ,bama Mayflower, 3ati e Americans Francis "cott 5ey Bill of )ights 7resident backed by congress 7reamble 7resident

Daily Writing #5- February 3, 2014 My fa orite commercial from this years "uper Bowl was the Aston Martin commercial with the new four:door sedan that they are coming out with. The reason * liked it was because * like really nice e.pensi e cars and to see Aston Martin come out with a new car is really cool. Aston Martin is one of my fa orite car companies and they ha e not released a new type of car in a while. * honestly, didnt watch the commercials this past year but of the ones * saw that was my fa orite. Daily Writing #6- February 10, 2014 The documentation style *m mostly familiar with is M;A format. * feel it is ery important to cite your work, because otherwise you can take anyones work and claim it as your own. *n order for me to create my works citied * use the website, * was first introduced to this website in middle school and was able to use it in high school. * also feel it is important to ha e your works citied at the peer re iew session because then you can make corrections to your work, if your citations are incorrectly cited. Daily Writing #7- February 19, 2014 * rely on reading information and using it in a paraphrasing form, rather then a <uote. * feel when * paraphrase * can use the information * want and * can eliminate the other information that may not be necessary. * use paraphrasing because then * can also sway the information in a certain direction that * want the reader to go in. $here as if you use a direct <uote you ha e to use all the information gi en and it may be harder to focus your reader in the direction you want to <uote to be read.

Daily Writing # - February 24, 2014

The <uote by 3eil Armstrong, which states, =*n much of society, research means to in estigate something you do not or understand.> This <uote speaks to me because * dont know a lot of things and * lo e to learn new and more information about certain topics. This <uote means you should ne er stop reading and looking for things to read about because new information is around us all the time. * also like to research things, especially new things, because its interesting and if * research things more than once * might get bored or * ha e a hard time finding new intriguing information. Daily Writing #9- February 26, 2014 $ell we can go back to the last pro0ect where we had to do research about our familys history. For this pro0ect it was mainly research and e.plaining the facts to people. ?ou do research about finding out what your family was like. ?ou also were able to find out what your family did and how those actions affected your way of life now. !owe er, if one was to ha e an article where it had an argument, you should want to know all the facts to be able to back your side. Daily Writing #10- !ar"h 17, 2014 * personally stri e to create error free work as much as possible. The reason is if things are not as correct as possible then things could go wrong. For e.ample, if you were doing calculations and one number was off, that could result in a failure for your design or a catastrophic problem. *f you are writing a paper and use the wrong form of =there> it could change the meaning of the sentence and cause the reader to think differently than what you were intending. *f error free work is not stri ed for then nothing is meaningful and e eryone can be ery lackadaisical. !owe er in order to stri e for error free work is not easy and is ery stressful and grueling. Daily Writing #11- !ar"h 19, 2014 *n terms of academics to get good grades, * moti ate myself to do my work because * want good grades. * also want to do well so that my parents are happy for me and *m not wasting my time here at school. @ en if * en0oy my topic and it isnt due for a while * will procrastinate and * need to moti ate myself and set due dates for myself. *n other aspects of my life * also need moti ation to get things done, such as work and going to the gym. * ha e no moti ation at all and as a result * ne er do things. My moti ation in the end would be the achie ement that * got it done, because * create a list of things * need to do and as * do things * am able to cross them off my list and it feels good.

Daily Writing #12- !ar"h 24, 2014 For my $eebly website * need help organi-ing my website in a more efficient way. *

also 0ust need to make sure all my links and pages ha e all the information that is necessary. *n addition, * ha e to try and figure out a way to present my information in a more appealing way. Daily Writing #13- !ar"h 31, 2014 * am definitely a procrastinator, * wait until that last moment and * therefore am up late finishing the pro0ect or paper. * normally only procrastination with things * dont particularly want to do or en0oy doing. Typically it is schoolwork or work, but if * ha e moti ation or the want to do something * will get it done right away. !owe er procrastination is wrong/ it ruins and stresses out li es. ,ne word of ad ice * could say would be to create a plan and stick to it. * try ery hard to stick to a schedule that * ha e created for a pro0ect or paper. Daily Writing #14- #$ril 1, 2014 #. The sources * seek out first are one of the top fi e sources that come up on Google. * choose one of them that ha e .org or .edu or .go because those sources are normally the most creditable sources. * also try to look for big name newspaper or well:known sources because most of the time their information is ery creditable. &. * know that fact and figures are accurate because * look at other sources and compare the figures there with the ones that * ha e found on the others. (. $ikipedia, * will ne er use $ikipedia in a paper. The reason is it can be modified. * will look at $ikipedia for general information and to get an idea or a starting point if * do not know much about the topic. Daily Writing #15- #$ril 7, 2014 The ob ious s. the obscure, the ob ious in our topic would be the fact that dri ers are seated in cars during a race. This is true all dri ers are seated in a seat for hours while dri ing around the course. An obscure idea is that when a dri er turns in a corner there is an additional 62 lbs. of stress that is put on the neck. This is a result of taking turns at ery high speeds.

Daily Writing #16- #$ril 9, 2014 #. 7ositi e e.perience was last semester when * was presenting my semester long pro0ect

for @nglish. *t was about the )ed "o. and ?ankees and * was ery thorough and knew all my information and * was ery comfortable. * was ery comfortable with how the presentation went because * was prepared. * lo e baseball and had a good knowledge going into the presentation. &. 3ot so positi e e.perience would be the same presentation howe er. This is because my partner and * knew so much about the topic we tried to put so much into the presentation and as a result we went o er on the time constraint. Daily Writing #17- #$ril 14, 2014 The definition of success is when you achie e goals that you ha e set forth for yourself. The <uote * chose was, =The only way to succeed is to not worry about what anyone else is doing.> * chose this <uote because you shouldnt worry about what e eryone else is doing around you. ?ou should be yourself and accomplish the tasks and goals you set forth. ?ou will feel good about yourself when you accomplish your goals and produce a great product. This <uote also can be used toward my semester long pro0ect because my partner and * are working together and not going to worry about what other groups are doing or how well their pro0ects might be. $e especially are not going to worry about what type of techni<ues their going to be using to present their information. Daily Writing #1 - #$ril 16, 2014 The <uote by @rnest !emingway depicts my writing process perfectly, =The first draft of anything is shit.> This is ery true for me because * will write my first draft and * will go back and reread it and disco er that * dont like this sentence or how * said that. Then before * know it * get to the point where * like some ideas within my first draft and thats it, but it makes me think a little more and * come up with better ideas. That is when * basically take my first draft and discard it and 0ust start with the ideas * liked and the new ones * came up with and write my second draft. 3ormally once * write my second draft * ha e the ma0ority of my paper completed and * only ha e to make small changes at that point. Then from there it is 0ust editing the paper and its all done.

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