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Out Friday April 18, 2014


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READING Read for at least 15 minutes a day. (PLEASE make an extra effort to practice reading aloud)

Weekly Talks
During our camp to Gyeongju, we have looked at how artefacts help us find out about life a long time ago. Find at least 3 objects at home that tell us about what life was like when your parents or grandparents were younger. Tell us what they are, how old they are and what are they used for. Tell us about the history of the object and if there are modern adaptations of the same object. If you dont have artefacts at home, look in the internet to find a picture of artefacts and talk to the class about it. Tell us what they are, how old they are and what are they used for. Include information how archeologists find out which civilization these artefacts belong. This museum website might help you: Your presentation should be between 3 and 5 minutes long only.

Writing Task
Go to this website: Choose one of the myths and read or listen to the story. Make a comic strip version of the story OR make a flow chart summarizing the story. Your teacher will give you some paper to do this on.

Please see homework sheet/s given to you in class every Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday homework to return on Wednesday Thursday homework to return on Friday

What is Archaeology? Archaeology is learning about ancient people, how they lived, what they looked like, what tools they used and also learning about their culture. The word archaeology comes from the Greek it means the study of what is ancient. Archaeologists are the scientists who study the remains of past civilizations or groups of people. Archaeology is like putting a puzzle together that has lots of pieces missing. It is kind of like being a treasure hunter but a lot more like being a detective. Archaeologists look at the things people from long ago have left behind. Archaeologists are interested in how people lived, their houses, clothes, bones and even their garbage! (110 words)

Optional Math Homework

Links for coordinates game: Locate the Aliens

Hit the Coordinate

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