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CD #5 - Psychic Phenomena This talk emphasizes the nature of the entities residing on the inner realms and the

psychic realms -- it's essentially a summary of the first four talks Ive given. The Human Aura and the Etheric Double, Telepathy and Thought Forms, Karma and Reincarnation and the Nature of Life after Death. You can see that these four topics would also concern the subject of psychic phenomena. We could define what psychic is and what psychic is not and what people presume to be psychicism; but what I'm actually trying to get to is the distinction between what I call the higher psychic spiritual perceptions and the lower psychic phenomena. Most people are glamoured by psychic perceptions. They seem to think that it is the whole purpose of evolution or what our existence is all about. This is especially so in the West. Those of us here in the West have materialism thrust down our throats from a very early age as well as having materialistic sciences - which is the God of this particular universe from the point of view of Western philosophy. Of course we have Christianity and other Western religions that try to speak of God in other such vague terms to them it is reality of course because they've got their Bible to prove it to themselves. But to us, we are looking at much more than just vague ideas as to psychic phenomena or materialism. In the East it is a different story. In the East they are brought up on chakras and brought up with yogis running around and demonstrating certain types of psychic powers. Some may have been proven to fly, others may have been able to keep their bodies alive underground for x number of hours when according to physical science they should have long died and things like that. They have done all sorts of psychic tricks to demonstrate to the people in the east and places like India, so the common folk are well aware of psychic phenomena. Virtually all aboriginal races such as the Indians in South America and the Aboriginals in Australia and shamans all over the world totally believe in psychic phenomena. To them it is not a myth or a theory; it's actually a living experience day in and day out. But we in the West as a whole seem to deny the existence of it, because the past one hundred and fifty years of science has evolved and has told us that rationale and rational thought is what it's all about. But that is a hundred and fifty years out of millions of years of human development when beings have suddenly discovered that there is something other than psychicism. Before that there were witches and witch burning and the whole play of psychic powers that people have always been involved in. The lower psychic power is what people normally think of as psychic phenomena. This concerns such things as seeing the aura, entities that may possess a being, ghosts, telepathy, telekinesis and other types of fabulous words such as clairvoyance and clairaudience and these types of things of which people are somewhat glamoured by and are trying to develop themselves. It is no joke that there is much power in the psychic realms and in the development of these types of perceptions. What people forget or don't understand or have not realised is that these lower psychic powers are that of which the children of the race have developed and have evolved out of including humanity. Back in the stages of human development for instance, in ancient Atlantis, onwards right through until the time of the birth of the Greek philosophers such as Socrates -people were psychic. They were naturally psychic and naturally clairvoyant. They lived in a

universe where they were controlled by the gods. They always did their dice throwing or the various forms of fortune-telling to see whether they could do this or that in accordance to the way that the gods told them. They saw things - which now is closed to you -- and for good reason. I know when I talk of ancient Atlantis I am talking about what modern science deems a myth and some of you have probably heard that some of the people there were clairvoyant and had psychic power. This was the whole population just as now our population has intellectual power. If you choose to look at this intellectualism from another point of view, it could be seen as just another psychic power. It is all just a point of perception of the viewer. The intellect was something that had to be developed and it took thousands of years for human beings to develop the mind and rational thinking, which destroyed psychic thinking. It also destroyed the ability to be receptive to energies and thoughts coming in -- because to have psychic powers, on the whole, in this infant state you did not have a mind to control it. It simply controlled you. Those that actually had a mind used their powers to manipulate people around them and also to manipulate the whole environment around them. These people became black magicians, grey magicians and witches. The history of Atlantis is really the history of witchcraft and sorcery on quite a massive scale. It is mentioned in the Bible of the evil of humanity at that time. They destroyed the entire continent and turned it into a black continent through possessive magic, through all the things they created to attack each other with. There was continuous warfare -- psychic warfare as well as physical plane warfare. At the end of Atlantis they had even developed such things as an atomic bomb. If you read the Puranas and things like that they spoke of remanas - flying ships. Nowadays we actually use the term UFOs to describe the type of flying ships that they developed. Their whole technology was through the command of sound and colour. They levitated great rocks through sound alone -- through mantras. That is how such things as the Great Pyramids of Giza were built -- modern science cannot build anything like that with all of its technology -- they have not got a hope. The Japanese some years ago I think tried to build something a quarter of the scale of the Great Pyramid and failed. We're talking about lifting 200 tonne blocks up a very, very steep incline. They were talking about using dirt as a ramp, but the dirt alone, the sand that they would have to dig up would stretch for miles going up and up, and then they have got a tiny little platform to work on with 100,000 slaves falling off the edges trying to lift these 200 tonne blocks up! The whole concept is really quite absurd as there are only about two or three cranes in the world today that can actually lift anything even close to that weight. Even such things as how Stonehenge came into being -- people forget that those great stones were carried over very rough terrain over eighty or more kilometres -- they certainly were not quarried on the spot. How were they carried? Certainly not on the back of a mule! Over logs on a very rough and rocky platform? No. If you go to the Mayan Incan Civilisation you get the perfectly carved stones there that are hundreds of tonnes in weight -- lifted and carved perfectly. All this by what mechanism? Modern science cannot do this, but the Ancients did. There are many mysteries like this all over the earth. How did they carve the biggest and hardest of all the rocks in Ancient Egypt? Some of those dolerite statues would wipe out chisel after chisel trying to make that very smooth skin and the very fine lines of these incredibly tough rocks. Even with diamond tipped tools they can't do it properly still. They would have to spend all year with machinery doing it, yet they claim

the Egyptians never had iron and they only had copper tools. Enigmas. The problem with the development of psychic power is simply this: when people have developed the ability to see other people's auras, read other people's minds and see the chakras glowing there and then they have all sorts of desires to possess something or someone then they can easily manipulate the chakras of that person for their own ends. When you get a mass of people doing that then you get black magic on a massive scale. This equals terrible karma. This is what happened in ancient times in Atlantis. Eventually it was like this "if I cannot have this, then I shall destroy it so you cannot have this". The whole continent was burnt, looted and destroyed and the God of Genesis of course, sank that continent and Noah's Ark came out and repopulated the planet. It's symbolic terms, but the actual destruction of Atlantis by a great flood or by means of sinking is the truth. There are many, many books on this subject we could read. Psychic powers and people possessing psychic powers have been since time in memorial. We all still have psychic powers, different types of them and have different ways of expressing psychic phenomena. Most of you are telepathic if you are not consciously, you are unconsciously, you can see auras, sometimes you get inner visions, you have your dreams and of course the psychic emanations of Atlantis -- the mantras that they generated precipitated into the plant kingdom and you are now busily smoking those mantras. They are giving you your drug experiences. It is all that those drugs really are -- the collective mantras of the psychicism of the Atlanteans into the plant kingdom. Those of you who were Atlantean are now re-experiencing it in this form - but in a more materialistic way. This is awakening you partly to the types of visioning you used to have back in those days. The powers of humanity were rightly taken away from them because those that are responsible for human evolution are not interested in human beings destroying the whole planet through the use of mind combined with psychic powers. If you understand how evil this planet is at present just with the use of mind alone -- how materialistic civilisation is, how greedy the nations are and how greedy people are. They want more, more, more out of everything around them and they are willing to destroy and to pervert power that they have in order to get what they want. The whole planet is being raped because of materialistic power and because of the use of intellect. Those back in Atlantean days, those that had psychic power, clairvoyance was natural for them just the same as our type of visioning now. So intellect is a psychic power and those that have the intellect and developed that intellect were those that ruled the civilisation. We are now in this New Age evolving from the intellect back to the awakening of psychic powers however there is one vital ingredient missing and that is Love. This is what we must now develop -the whole purpose of evolution now certainly with those that guide us is to educate humanity how to love better -- this is what the New Age is about. Flower children and all the other beings that have come to try and show human beings a better more sane way of living, a more loving way of interrelating -- so again psychic powers can be given to human beings properly but this time with the basis of Love. I am stumbling around on this subject that I do wish to introduce - which is black versus white magic and the types of problems associated with the development of psychic powers. The nature of black magic and the forces of evil is a difficult subject because one of the things that most of the new age teaching seems to forget is that there is such a thing as organised evil on this planet. Of course you can look to the materialists with their great money empires and multinationals and so forth and the juggernauts of our armies and our war machines as evil - and you are right in thinking thus. But there are also sorcerers and black magicians -- the dukbars, the shamans of all the religions -- they are everywhere manifesting and creating great power over all

beings. They are collectively manipulating people through their psychic powers, through the manipulation of thoughts -- people's thought energies, People's desire energies. They are not so much interested in you and I on the whole at an individual level, they are more interested in world leaders and world governments. People in power over the masses, or people in power over a group can influence the entire nation or the entire planet. One good example of this which everyone knows of is Hitler and the band of evil minded beings that he had around him. It is wellknown that Hitler and those that evolved around him were involved in psychic powers and astrology and so forth. One day you'll be able to see some of the karma or the psychic power from an inner plane point of view and see that indeed they were just a bunch of black magicians incarnate again in this form from former lives. Before people can properly be awakened to psychic powers first you have to learn to Love properly. We dont want people to become Hitlers on a massive scale or a group such as this or any other group to start to manifest those powers. Essentially when we are going to black magicians and sorcerers and witches and all these types of people including the general fortune teller down the street where you get your cards read and get some weird and wonderful information about your lives -- these beings are manipulators, they are on a power trip and all they are concerned with and want is power. They know that there is no such real thing as death and that reincarnation is the process of life. They work with that factor also in regards to their own schemes. There are a host of entities on the inner realms associated with these beings. All of you may have heard of vampire bats and black cats and werewolves and many other types of images that Hollywood likes to present to us in some of their more gory movies. All of these things are based on reality on the inner realms -- it is a wonderful thing that virtually everything that the human imagination can concoct is something real on the inner realms. This is because it is in the nature of thought form making. One of the other things that human beings on this earth seem to forget is that this planet is one planet only in the solar system of which there are myriads of solar systems in a galaxy of which there are myriads of galaxies in the universe. This solar system has evolved in space and time as a part of the sequence of events of other solar systems and other planets that have evolved in space and time. If you begin to awaken your eyes on the inner realms you'll find that every planet and every solar system is alive with beings. Not all incarnate as human form in these fleshy bodies as we are, but yes in astral and mental bodies. Every planet in the solar system and every solar system in this universe has got its incarnate beings in it, has got its astral beings and its mental beings and its psychic entities. Some solar systems and some earth spheres have gone through the entire gamut of evolution from beginning to the end and we have great Gods out there who embody solar systems. We also have dark forces that have evolved also to great and immense size and power. When you begin to awaken to these inner realms and the psychic phenomena you begin to have to deal with these entities and their underlings all the way through to the human beings incarnate on this earth. The forces of evil are quite vast and numerous as are the forces of light. The two have evolved side-by-side and it is an ancient battle that has been going on for millennia -- long before this earth was, this war was going on. It will continue between good and evil and the forces of light and dark and it's all got to do with what you call psychic phenomena or psychic powers as it is the only other realms there are besides this physical plane. From the inner plane point of view this physical plane is just another dimension of perception - another realm where awareness is developed and where

psychic powers can be expressed. And as I mentioned, intellect is but one of them. One of the many dimensions of perception, one of the many states of existence, one of many ways of the universe -- it is the one that most people are presently caught up in thats all. It is very limiting but it is also very challenging and it enables you to control and manipulate the materialism around you. As you awaken your chakras, psychic phenomena allow you to control and manipulate the substance of the inner planes, either the astral plane or the mental plane and so forth. And all that these black magicians do, these forces of evil - is work with psychic power to manipulate and control everything around them. They are highly organised and very efficient. The beings on the path of light, work with Light and with Love to oppose them, to restrain them and to keep them in jail like conditions. Every being that tampers with psychic power, as soon as they start to play with chakras, play with kundalini fire -- every being no matter who and where they are, as soon as they start to do that they attract to them a black magician. These beings that are busy with their open eyes, looking at the auras of human beings -- and for the average human being it is of no consequence -- they are sheep. But as soon as a being starts to awaken these powers and starts to tamper with these powers then it is very evident to such black magicians through looking at their aura that there is a fire awakening there and immediately the black magicians and psychic entities of all types are attracted to them. These psychic entities want to use the power that is being generated by this awakening for their own purposes. This is how we get the story of vampires, vamporising energy from people. The thing that stands between all humanity on this planet being totally manipulated are the forces of Love. The great Enlightened Beings of this planet stand as guardians against the evil. All of them, no matter who they are -- the Christ, the Buddha, every saint of every religion -- the first thing they have to do is learn to defend themselves from psychic attack and also how to defend others and to protect the whole planet from such entities. It is war. Every ancient religion, if you look at it closely is concerned with this war. Whether it was in Egypt or in the times of Christianity there is a history of this war. Emphasising and revealing this subject is difficult from my point of view because most new-age religions seem to forget the fact that there is evil. They open themselves up to channel information from the inner realms but they don't train themselves how to protect themselves from thoughts and thought suggestions from all other types of entities posing as the brothers of light. They pose as healers, entities of great knowledge but they are fundamentally selfish and therefore inherently evil. It takes years and years of training to know how to distinguish the very light glaze of clear entities from beings of brilliant light. Most people are glamoured by the emotional swirls around them. They see through a glass darkly to use a Biblical phrase. They see through their auric colourings which colours everything according to what they desire. It sounds nice when it's coming through, therefore it is good and I shall use that, they say. What is coming through is nice superficially, but hidden in that are distortions and the distortions are grey. The distortions but delude, they do not tell the truth. There is hardly a book that I know of that comes from a channelled source that is not from such an entity. This is because the channellers have no training. Only if you sit at the foot of a great Enlightened Being and go through years of proper yogan instruction can you receive information from the inner realms that is not distorted.

There are no shortcuts here. Do you think that those people in Tibet such as the monks that spend twenty, thirty, forty years in meditation and have a life of solitude can find a shortcut to their enlightenment? People in the West seem to think so! First you must develop Love and plenty of it before the higher awareness can come through you. People hear what they want to hear, see what they want to see, and that is the way of psychic phenomena. If you go into my past talks then you will know about the astral plane and the way that astral energy works and you will see that immediately around you come the swirls of the colours of your aura and that is what you see through. Whenever you send out a feeler - which is what the channellers do, into the realm of thoughts, into the higher realms of the astral plane -- immediately attracted to you or any other person are other thought forms of that nature. If you are being creative for instance in terms of painting or being a musician then you get inspired -- you send out your feelers - your thought energy and to you comes back all these images associated with what you have sent out. You are inspired with that. Most true creative geniuses know it is not themselves that is doing the creation but it is something working through them - likewise when it comes to channellers and psychics of all types. The training is almost not there anywhere and the hosts of entities on the inner realms are just enormous. All that Jesus really did two thousand years ago and any other great healers such as him, was exorcise -- cast out the beings and entities that incarnate into people who were developing or playing around with their psychic powers. The entities that were cast out of the man and put into the swineherd then the swineherd jumped over the cliff, for instance. You can read the Bible properly to see all the many examples of the way he cast out these entities in beings, these evil forces. It is not therefore an easy world to get into -- what I call the lower psyche -- the realm of the lower psychic powers. The chakras associated are the solar plexus, the sacral and the base of the spine and all the minor chakras -- what we call in occult parlance "the inner ground". Each chakra is a doorway to a realm of perception, a doorway to a different state of being. If you have clairvoyance and you look around the room at people such as you who represent quite a high level of spiritual beings - because you are listening to this teaching and are interested in its subjects -- you would see as well as your auras swirling around you, you would also see entities of all shapes. You would see fish type entities, you would see grey murky energies swimming around, you would see the odd disincarnate person, you would see the thoughts popping of your heads as youre listening. This on the whole is the realm of psychic phenomena. One could also easily see the sex history of a person because most people have around their heads and around their whole minds their last sexual act - their own little private sexual imagination. All of that is very easily seen by anyone with an open eye. So what does one do with this type of visioning? If a man is seeing the desires of a woman what would he do with that information? Generally, you would follow up the act of the come on signals and you would project yourself that way. Most people are interested very much in sexual pleasure for good or for bad. Those that have their chakra powers awakened and know that they can project energies can then send energies into the various chakras of that individual and make them very desirous of that person. It is quite easy to stimulate another person sexually through psychic power alone. Most people are quite foolish and they don't really understand what is happening to them. People that do this consciously in one way or the other are black magicians and witches. And people that set up whole organisations in order to get at the people around them are black magicians indeed. There is much karma in psychic manipulation of other people and their desire bodies, to make them do unconsciously what you wish them to do. Of course sex

magic has been around for millennia, since the dawn of time and great is the karma of sex magicians. Sex magic is when you are manipulating someone else's sexuality for your own gain so that you can draw from that person psychic energy that you use for your own purpose to manipulate even vaster arenas of beings. These beings awaken certain chakras below the diaphragm and this means that those chakras begin to rule you until you become quite bestial. It means that entities can start to incarnate in you from all over the realms of the psychic world and then they begin to manipulate you. Inevitably it means that you become quite schizophrenic, inevitably it will lead you to a lunatic asylum. Maybe not in that life, but in a later one unless corrected. All people that play with psychic powers before they are ready for it become schizophrenic. There is their higher self -- their soul -- battling to save them from the hell state and then there are all these entities that are trying to incarnate into them because they have opened chakras with no means of closing them or no understanding of what is endeavouring to incarnate into their form. The hosts of entities on the inner realms are trying to utilise physical vehicles such as yours in large numbers everywhere -- they are omnipresent -- and when you tamper with these doorways between their dimension and yours, they will come in. They will start to give you multiple personalities and so forth. Some of you that have had bad trips from your drugs have attacks of this nature. Therefore when it comes to true teachings of Enlightenment we first of all say, awaken the heart and work with the heart chakra only -- develop your Love -- and only when you are truly loving and only when every aspect of your being is used to help all sentient beings only then can psychic powers be given to you. The psychic powers will develop of their own accord because of your purity of motive, the cleanliness of your aura, your responsiveness to higher energies because there are no dull sounding noises clashing down there in your lower chakras. They have been cleansed and cleansed and cleansed of gross substance and therefore you have lifted yourself to more refined states of being -- to the realms of enlightened beings, the devas and the angels, the enlightened beings of past ages become your friends who pour their energies and their blessings and their love and their wisdom into you. What I am saying is these psychic powers come automatically as a consequence of your path to love. Or you can do the other thing and try to force open your chakras, force open these doorways in which case you then become manipulated by black entities, grey entities and all sorts of entities that want to use you as a source of their amusement if you wish. They want to use your energy for their purposes and they will drain you of prana and vitality and they will sap your will. You will become schizophrenic, psychotic. I doubt that there is one person in a lunatic asylum that is not there because they have not played with their psychic powers in a former life and are now suffering the consequences. It is very evident to see the entities around them and the karma that they have imposed upon themselves. When you begin to understand the nature of these entities then you will see that most of them are relatively harmless -- they are like animals -- we have animals on the physical plane here such as your cats and dogs, pigs and elephants and so forth. On the inner realms you also have evolutionary entities, entities that are still developing the equivalent of the human stage of development in their respective plane of dimension. There are two parallel streams of life on this planet. One is the angelic or the deva kingdom and the other is the human. The human is masculine and the other one is feminine. Evolution goes side-by-side with them. I will explain this

in greater detail in my Deva and Angelic Kingdom talk. There are many entities on the inner realms like cats and dogs and monkeys that have not yet achieved human stage and they love to play with human beings and incarnate into human beings that have awakened and opened doorways that allow them to do so. Anyone that is foolish enough to play with their lower chakras by using mantras and some of these other occult methods through ritual and so forth to awaken them will suffer the consequences -- quite a foolish thing to do. So you have a monkey incarnate into you and you think it is a great thing. All of these entities on the inner realms have intelligence they evolve by means of a line of intelligence -- they have consciousness and they can speak -- not only that, as I have mentioned before there are disincarnate human beings of all types from the great black magicians to the average spiritualist or the average religionists. When they are disincarnate and have left their bodies and they see a mechanism in which they can talk to you through, then they will pose as a great being - with a wonderful level of knowledge that they gained on the physical plane and a little bit more that they have gained from the inner realms - to speak to you. Do you know how many prophets and messiahs there are on the physical plane? Imagine how many more there are on the inner realms that have left their bodies. Not much more consciousness and in terms of awareness than you have now, they just simply have left their bodies. Some of them are quite dedicated in wanting to teach you things just as they would on the physical plane -- there are plenty of people out there that are half insane that want to teach you lots of things. So you open up your chakras to their information and you think it's coming from a great source because you are too deluded to recognise the fact that there is not a great deal of light around that being. The being has got some light, yes, an aura, sure, but there are touches of grey and touches of dullness there. And most people that are trying to contact these realms have no real perception of auras as it is. Again, it takes a bit of training to see auras properly on the inner realms. So you have these disincarnate entities, these spirits, that Jesus was constantly kicking out of people's bodies, through to disincarnate people -- most who were crazy or insane when they were alive -- or religionists or new agers or whatever posing as spirit guides and whatever and trying to talk to you and give you 'wonderful words of wisdom' and it is easy to go through some of these books and see the sources of information that really come from this type of source. Then there are dark brotherhood, real magicians, real black adepts that can disguise themselves quite well if they wish to delude a large number of people through a medium. They could disguise themselves as the Christ and because they have occult power, healing is the easiest line of work for them. They can easily heal the physical body. It is a mistake to feel that someone who is walking around as a healer is necessarily a great spiritual being. It is just simply on the whole a charlatan acting as a healer in order to utilise that type of energy for a greater purpose for themselves because there are many gullible people on this planet. True healing is of the spirit. And generally when you need to be healed properly it means that you have to work upon yourself -- it's not a matter of a quick drug or a few acupuncture needles into your body -- whether the drug is from the orthodox medical profession or from the alternative medical arenas. You really have to work upon yourself and to start to work upon your psychology in order to start to heal yourself properly and become more loving. Work with your karma. If you start to see yourself psychically and you go into the areas of where your chakras are in your body

and the areas of the body that they influence, you will see that swimming in your solar plexus centre are all types of psychic beasts. You can make yourself small and you have to go in there and battle with them because these psychic beasts are your emotions. Some emotions are like sharks and if you are very emotionally volatile and you are attacking someone with your emotions these sharks will fly out at those beings. People send these types of entities out -- if you see people at a football match and they are all busy barracking for their team or if they have lost - you can imagine the huge psychic entities that they've created en masse. What about a war machine or an army on the march? What about soldiers fighting or neighbours attacking each other because they can't stand this or that aspect of their lives? What about all these types of aggressive acts that people do which is sometimes a mass against another mass? All these things are psychic entities. All these things have been created by human emotion, anger, greed and fear. They have a life to them and this life continues on the inner realms. It doesn't stop simply because the people have died or they stopped their anger. Similar to when you send out a radio wave or a television signal it goes on and on through the universe so is it to these angry entities that you have created still exists. The law of karma demands that some time down the track in some life that perpetrator must destroy what they have created. This is the law of karma. Eventually what people have created in past lives must attack them. This includes nations as well. If you awaken yourself to psychic perceptions prematurely then you also awaken yourself to this world with these types of entities created by other people -- their angers, their fears, their phobias and you'll become very sensitised to those types of entities and energies. And when you become sensitised to them and if you are psychically receptive you will begin to experience other people's fears and anxieties. It could be a fear form created over two thousand years ago that you have suddenly picked up and is attacking you. Again you can see the necessity before you play with psychic powers that you have to develop a very strong aura -- an aura that actually wards them away from you rather than a murky aura that will attract them to you because you would have no resistance to them. Occulty the phrase is "like attracts like". Some of you have heard stories of Tutankhamen's tomb and the stories of the people that explored the tomb that died prematurely because there was a curse on the tomb. Curses on many sacred things of the past, and this is actually the truth. Most of those ancient temples and religious places even in Tibet today, they hire black magicians to make curses and create evil emanations around the things they want to protect. They use this also to veil things so nobody can see through it. For example in Australia, the aboriginals have their death bone. The Aboriginal Shaman will point the death bone at another Aboriginal and they will die no matter what type of healing that person tries to do on themselves. This exists with other indigenous cultures throughout the world - the same type of phenomena. You've also heard of voodoo. What we're talking about here are people who are using very sharp weapons on the inner realms -- jagged energy attacking the solar plexus or the heart or a vital centre of an individual until that individual loses the will to live. Then they die. This works if they are part of that belief system -- if they have their chakra awakened to receive those energies. If you or I were presented with an Aboriginal pointing their death bone at us, we would probably not die -- we would probably laugh and not even worry about it -- because our chakras are not awakened and are not receptive to his energies or that belief system.

When you begin to awaken your eyes psychically you will see this type of world, you will see the energies around sacred places such as Stonehenge, sacred temples and churches on this earth that all have their form of emanation, they all have their energies coming from them which can be good or bad. You will then be receptive to them. As you can see this is quite a vast subject to study. Understand that this phenomenal world that you are in now is a great illusion whereas as you go more and more into the inner realms you go closer to the planes of reality. Higher spiritual perceptions are the realms of Enlightened Beings -- the realms of light -- you can contact all of your past lives and all of the knowledge of your past lives, you can travel to the stars once you can travel in a sphere of light. As you develop your psychic perceptions and clairvoyance you will enter into the realm of the devas and angels and fairies -- this is their world and their way of looking at things and you begin to see them. When you are talking about black or white magic at this level you have the black magicians who try to control and manipulate such entities to do their bidding -- it is their will against the fairies and the pixies. You have white magicians who work cooperatively and in conjunction with them and work with light and love. The dark forces work with will and power they have control over certain types of energies -- browns, murky greens, greys and all the muddy colours that you see around you -- a bit of red and a bit of orange. The white magician works with all the colours of light -- pure and radiant light. There is a great difference between the two and most people that are developing psychic powers can work with the muddy colours because their aura is only at that level. They are still selfish in their thinking and on the whole are not truly loving and also quite ignorant of what they are getting into. There are many levels and orders of magicians- black and white - and many levels of dangers associated with this world and much karma involved with these. Hell is what is reserved for those who manipulate psychic powers for their own gain. The way of the mouth as I call it, is the quickest way to open up the gates of hell for you. So to bring it back to the beginning of this talk, I mentioned ancient Atlantis where people were automatically clairvoyant and psychic and they destroyed the continent with that type of power. Human beings then lost that clairvoyance and we are now back in a stage of awakening clairvoyance after the Lords of Love teach human beings to love more. There is a whole form of education associated with that. The true mechanism of awakening psychic powers that I was taught in the ancient schools for instance as Pythagoras, that if you are at that school in ancient Greece there was a pre-requisite of two years of absolute silence and scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets. Only after proving that you did not speak for two years were some of the mysteries associated with the inner worlds given to you. Most of you know of the ancient yogis in India and in Tibet and in Japan where they would spend something like twenty years in quite deep meditation before they developed powers. For instance, the first stanza in the Book of Golden Precepts reads, "beware of dangers of the lower Iddhi". (Beware of the lower psychic powers). So first of all, you throw the psychic powers away and concentrate on developing the heart. This can take years of development. All of the great teachers therefore first ask for psychic purity and the awakening of your Love Principle and if you demonstrate that very well then they can pass on the mechanisms of the higher yogas, the higher teachings that will awaken your powers. These teachings are always secret, they are always hidden -- it is what in Buddhism is called "ear whispered truths". You can see the pictures of the Buddha where he has great big long earlobes and that is because he can hear the ear whispered truths. Also one of the great Tibetan sages,

Milarepa, was depicted a lot with his hand behind his ear, because his teachings came from the inner realms and they were ear whispered. These are the highest form of teachings and these recipients of the ear whispered truths can fly through the air, change their form and live forever if they wish. They were great yogis with great siddhis -- beings of great psychic power. They never bragged about it, they lived very humble lives and austere lives. Generally, you had to go and find them and there are stories of the great hardships that students went through in order to find these yogis. The first thing that they were taught was to get rid of all desires for psychic power and firstly develop cleanliness of thought -- spend the next twenty or so years of your life developing your higher faculties and then all of this lower stuff will come automatically. It is the heritage of the human race to awaken psychically -- it is what we are here for. We all have the seven major chakras and the twenty-two minor ones within us, and then on to the next level and the next level until we reach the acupuncture points. We all have chakras that allow us to contact the greater spiritual forces as well as the lower dimensions of perception. You can work in all realms at once. The whole universe is just waiting to be discovered within you, but first you must do it through the right methods. Do not allow yourself to be fooled by the many entities on the inner realms that are waiting for you to give you their distorted understanding and perceptions. Just because it is coming from a psychic or inner source -- you may think it's from a high spiritual being -- it is just simply not the truth. Questions Re-sex magic: if there are two conscious participants in an act of sex magic and they were both mutually benefiting from it is this okay? Then it is not sex magic. It's Tantra. It is a version of Tantra. If they both truly love each other and if they are both truly working towards the betterment of the other person that is one thing. If they are part of an organised ritual where they are dominated by the group's centre then that is also another thing. Even so, if you are using sex and drugs and magic together, you will inevitably get caught up in lower psychicism and inevitably you will attract to you entities which are not necessarily wholesome. Even if those entities are there just to take a little bit of your energy from you. If you are truly loving in your approach, then that is fine. If you using the power you generate to direct it at other people one way or the other and control them, then that is sex magic. Sex magic is the organised sexual rituals for the purpose of utilising energy to manipulate other entities or to attack other entities on this planet -- people you don't like personally, or to destroy their ability to live or to manipulate them in such a way that disasters happen to them so that you can get wealthier. It is an organised grouping of beings using certain types of psychic powers that they derive through the sex acts generally mixed with drugs and mantras for the purpose of manipulating other people or entities on this planet. And the entities generally are primal forces that keep this entire planet in its coherent shape.


How do you protect oneself from other people's projections and energies? Generally, the mechanism is to develop great Love. What people often think is love however, is more an emotional emanation from themselves which is a form of affectionate emotion. True Love is something a little bit more than that. It is all about truly knowing how to give rightly -the right purpose, the right time, the right place to see the future in order to produce the effect that you wish. Merely loving somebody else is not enough. Evil beings of great intensity can pierce their rays of blackness through your love. That is if it is just general emotional lovingness. You actually have to use better visualisation techniques that utilise light to develop a cleaner aura around you for a start so that anything that is dark and negative cannot penetrate. If your energy field is very intense and radiatory then these dark forces and evil type entities that have a much lower energy state will not be able to come close and will not be able to project anything into you because immediately you're very strong energies will block it. So develop a strong radiatory aura, manifest a healthy lifestyle -- clean living, good food, not too much noise in your environment and so forth. The next thing is to use the energy of light and learn how to direct light in a positive manner so that it will repel or destroy anything that is the dark or grey nature. You are using bright forms of light where beings or entities are coming to you that are much lower forms of light. There are other techniques such as using crystals and so forth but on the whole, what we are really talking about is channelling light. The more knowledge you have of how to channel light, the better you can protect yourself. The more knowledge you have about your aura and the way that the aura works, the better that you can protect yourself. If you can produce a clean aura then you are manifesting less and less opportunity for anything to incarnate into you to influence you in any way. Remember to work on your psychology -- remember your emotions -- if your emotional interrelationship is the weakness that you have in this area then it will be easy to manipulate you in this area when you are weak in yourself. You are always sending out energies, and when you are sending out energies there becomes a weak spot inside you where an entity can attack you. They attack you on the whole, through your emotions. Learn to become emotionally strong, learn to become mentally strong and if you do so then automatically you are protecting yourself from anything that comes at you including all of life's problems. Life problems will no longer affect you any more. If chakras are awakened within you and you have entities coming through you, then you need to go to someone who has a bit of knowledge in this area to help cleanse you of these entities, to help teach you how to shut the chakra doorways to perceptions. The fact that you are psychic from my perspective means you are sick. Just like anyone on the physical plane with a physical ailment, a psychic person is just someone who is psychically sick and has doorways and minor chakras opened which need to be closed. This needs to be done in order for them to travel the higher way. And most of these psychics are glamoured. They are psychically sick and glamoured because they have entities talking to them -- entities that they cannot control. The only way of having psychic powers if you are not to be sick is to have complete control of those powers and therefore complete ability to shut out any entity that would want to talk to you or that would want to manipulate you in any way shape or form. There are very few psychics around that can do that. They all have diseases, and later on those diseases will become evident in physical plane ailments and then maybe later on a form of insanity -- it will all depend upon how much and how long the

psychicism was developed. If it continues on into another life then the repercussions get worse. They must have control of their auras, and their minds and of the entities and the environment which they are open to. It is best to have normal vision as you do on the whole than it is to have psychic powers.

Are there entities of good? And if you strengthen your energies, do the entities also strengthen? Yes. The stronger you are and protect yourself, the stronger the entities will get. That is true if you're worth their effort to attack you. If they think you are worthy of attention -- the average sort of person doesn't really matter to them -- one way or the other you are still under their control because your thinking is still selfish and self-centred. As long as your thinking is selfish and selfcentred you are inherently evil within yourself to the extent that you are selfish, to the extent that you are self-centred, to the extent that you are unloving. Therefore if you are manifesting unloving thoughts: selfish thoughts and self-centred thoughts -- if you are thinking of yourself in your own little universe and that everything revolves around you -- then you have that much evil inside you. Therefore what more would the evil forces want from you? It is only when you are really trying to get away from selfishness and unloving thoughts etc and you are developing psychic powers that you would get stronger and stronger forces of evil arrayed against you. You become a white magician and it is then that you really have to learn to fight these entities on all levels and you enter into a type of Star Wars universe. You are given all types of weaponry on the inner realms to defend yourself and you have such beings as dragons and unicorns as friends because it becomes quite a vast panorama indeed. This is the way of an Enlightened Being. No being can travel the path to Light without fighting the forces of evil. It is an impossibility. You can't just simply Om and Hum your way to light and hug a lot of people and say this is great stuff. All you are doing there is playing a kindergarten game. The true way is fighting evil and you must fight it all the way to become a Buddha or Christ. Before the Buddha took his full enlightenment, he had to fight off the hordes of Mara and they tried every trick in their books to try and stop him from becoming the Buddha. Similarly, Jesus was tempted for forty days and forty nights in the desert -- those of you that have read the Bible will know this to be true -- that he had three types of temptations. He had to fight off the evil in three different levels before he became enlightened. The same is for every being. You must fight the evil every step of the way. If you don't fight evil how can you be truly loving? And you do it with occult methods, and occult weapons and you must do it through the developing of a clean aura. Any selfishness within you and any sort of lack of love, any form of egotism and there you have your evil. They have already won. It just depends on how far you are going to travel on this path of Light to conclusion. Are you are going to be a Buddha or Christ or just simply a pawn of the forces of evil at a certain level? We ask of everyone to go the full way, to become a fully Enlightened Being -- and everyone is capable of doing this. Get rid of all the evil within you and do not leave one speck left. Become truly Loving. Become truly Enlightened and therefore develop the true powers, the true multidimensional powers of a human being. All faculties are awakened, you can see the past the present and the future as one. Thank you for that question -- yes you fight it all the way until you are a Buddha.


What about free will? It is because human beings have free will that we have Karma. Because beings have free will, they have the choice to go the way of evil or to go the way of Light and Love. It is their choice, and theirs alone. No being in the universe, and no God, no Buddha, no Christ can tap you with their magic wand on your head (they could if they really wanted to) and turn you into a being of total love and bliss -- but it is not the way of evolution to turn you all into a bunch of spiritual puppets. We have evolved from a very loving state, a childish blissful state where we did not know anything. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden -- that is what the story is all about -- they did not even know their own nakedness. They had to evolve from that state in order to become as wise as Gods and Enlightened Beings. This is done through free will. Therefore you have the will to go one way or the other and whichever way you go you must suffer the karma of that. The law of karma, that is the law of Love eventually teaches you the way of love through your free will. So yes, everyone can choose to go evil, choose to be selfish, choose to destroy the planet around them or they can choose to build and create and produce a prosperous new world and new age for everyone to share the resources of this planet. These are choices of the universe because this planet is not separate from the universe. And when you begin to develop your inner eyes you will begin to see how truly one this whole universe is. All that the forces of evil are trying to do is try to keep on this planet conditionings of the past. The evil is the good in you that no longer serves a purpose. That's really what the definition of evil is. This is the stuff that a being hangs on to and is perpetuated by the self. Beings that hang on to the past inherently are evil. I'll give you a definition of this. For instance, when you are a child you were busy in a nappy or diaper, you are busy having your parents wash and clean up after you all the time. That was good at that time because you didn't know how to look after yourself; you didn't know how to go to the toilet. Later on when you are five or six or whenever you learnt to wipe your own bottom, the nappy or diaper then became evil for you. You no longer needed it. And you can see that the way that you were in your adolescence when you are sixteen or so, fully in that emotional lifestyle that you were totally lost in irresponsibility, later on becomes the evil. For instance, if you have children you can no longer afford to lose yourself in irresponsibility. If you hang on to that type of irresponsibility then your children will ultimately suffer and that, is the evil. The evil is the good that once was, that you have now grown out of but you insist on hanging on to even though it no longer serves a purpose. This is the way of evolution. All of humanity have evolved from very primitive states such as sex magic for instance where that once upon a time was normal and good, to very high states of awareness where sex magic is now left behind because the way of a Christ or Buddha is far superior in terms of obtaining knowledge and awareness. I'm giving this as an example, and what the dark forces tried to do is to perpetuate the type of environment and conditions that we see around us which is materialism. They perpetuate the power of the one over the many -- where one has material power and masses of money and can manipulate governments with that money or they have the rockets and bombs and they can manipulate people in governments with that or they have psychological power which they could influence the masses through the media or whether they have psychic power of the masses as a black magician -- it is those that live in the materialistic environment and hang on to that at all costs and try and make sure that the epoch of Love and the way of Love does not manifest via the evil. They hang on to the past and the past conditionings out of which humanity is growing out of. It is only in that type of environment that they can survive and they can have their power.

Therefore they manipulate everything around them to maintain that power. The Enlightened Beings of this earth are fighting that every which way they can. They will fight the evil on all levels on the inner realms using the Lords of Love and Light and also on the physical plane using the same methods but of course through people such as you and all the other people of goodwill on this planet. However, what we cannot fight against is human free will. Every human has the free will to choose which way they want to go -- whether they want to hang on to that which causes sickness and disease and suffering from all around, all whether they want to walk the way of Love. No Buddha, no Christ, no God -- and God is love after all -- will tap you on the head and turn you into a totally Loving Being because you must evolve Love from within yourself through understanding the laws of Light and through the path that makes you a fully Enlightened Being. You must fight and resist the evil so not one thing of the past resides in you. The Beings that work on the path of Light work only for the future at all times. They live in the future and they mould the past so that it produces the future archetype or future image. The beings of evil live in the past and they try to destroy the present from evolving into the future so that the conditionings of the past remain intact. You can see this in religionists who hang on to ancient outdated philosophies and to old belief systems right through to the materialists that hang on to their money and materialistic empires at all costs no matter what suffering it causes to human beings around them.

Are their forces from outside the Earth of higher vibrations that affect us? There is truth in this as the earth is not alone in the universe. There are all types of electromagnetic radiation hitting the Earth at any time. Any scientists can tell you about the x-rays, ultraviolet rays and the gamma rays and intense neutrinos -- there is a massive number of particles and energy waves hitting the Earth at any one time just from the point of view of physical science. As you go into the psychic realms there are all the different types of rays of grey and black as opposed to the beautiful rays of Great Beings hitting the Earth. This is a science within itself to do with the types of energies sent by certain types of entities to humanity to affect different conditionings. For instance, a new moon brings in entities and energies from different stars and planets, some through UFO phenomena, some direct, travelling through light itself that when you begin to awaken to the inner realms through the methodology of the heart and not the lower realms, you begin to see and work with the directing and channelling of light substance. It is a vast subject but it is one that is very beautiful once you start to open your eyes and see this new world, you will see how vast this universe is and how interrelated it all is. Human beings are not alone, that is for sure! Remember with this subject that there are beings that have evolved in solar systems before this earth ever was, and planetary systems before this earth ever was. There have been human beings evolving to become Buddhas and greater than Buddhas, evolving to become great Cosmic Beings -they all exist out there and they have all travelled the way of Compassion and Love. There are certain dark forces that have travelled the opposite way. All of those types of entities exist out there on the inner realms and they all affect this planet one way or the other according to the karma of human beings.


When you enter the psychic world and you are looking to enter as becoming a black or white magician you begin to align yourself with great and Cosmic Beings -- black or white. But for the majority of human beings on this planet, they are simply bathed in energies of one colouring or another but most is which they have created themselves. On the whole, you are protected by the Kingdom of God, and by the Lords of Love and humanity is being guided slowly and safely through this whole evolutionary state until every human being becomes a Buddha. The Gospel says "the Christ within you, the hope, the glory." The Buddhist philosophy speaks of the Tathagatagarbha which is the will of all Buddhas and all human beings -we all must become Christ's we all must become Buddhas -- even the greatest black evil entity must eventually evolve to become a Buddha -- it's just a matter of time through the correct evolutionary sequence for them as they are properly educated. So yes, you are protected as a planet, you are protected as human beings, but because of human free will nobody can protect you from your evil deeds of the past and past lives and your psychic powers if you developed them prematurely. We can only give you warnings and guide you, but generally if you have prematurely developed psychic powers you are so glamoured and blinded by them that you make yourself a centre of the universe and you will not allow anyone to teach you anything. Then you will produce the karma that will inevitably lead to hell states and therefore the education by that means.

If all evil is eventually to fade away then where does all that energy go? Everything is evolving together. The whole of creation ground up and progresses together said St Paul. And that is the truth. Every spiral is onwards and upwards together. The good and the evil every atomic unit is spiralling for instance around the atomic centre or the electron is spiralling around the atom and that atom is spiralling around other atoms etc, so it is all evolving together as is our Earth spinning around the solar system and then our solar system is spinning around the Cosmic Centre and then that Cosmic Centre is spinning around a greater Cosmic Centre and so forth until you get a universe spinning around another universe. It's all evolving together. In chemistry they talk about Gibbs free energy -- an equation which means that the whole energy of the universe is in a steady state and matter is neither created nor destroyed but it is simply transmuted from one form to another. This is also in Newton's second Law of Thermodynamics. So where does the energy go? It goes into higher and higher energy states all travelling together. We are one universe after all and one closed or bounded system which is whatever you imagined to be the edge of the universe and everything within that must obey the same laws. Nothing is created or destroyed but everything evolves to higher states. I use the phrase "conscious awakening" in inverted commas because we are talking about states of perception far beyond consciousness as any being on this planet could possibly perceive it. This includes myself. This is a vast, vast universe that is multidimensional. I would like to point out to you that there are approximately 5 billion people on this planet according to demographers and we seem to think that this is a lot. Esoterically speaking there are about 60 billion human units in the solar system. Think of the fact that you are incarnate and then compare that to the vast number of beings that are actually disincarnate. Just imagine! All of the disincarnate humans are experiencing the astral heavens or hells and life on other planets. As well is that there are all the devas and the fairy folk

of all the religions walking around. There are all the greater spiritual beings as well. You think of a planet such as this and this is also a great physical body of a being -- the Great Compassionate Being to which we are evolving through -- and this Great Compassionate Being is called God and there are God's incarnate as well as disincarnate. Think of the fact that this universe has stars in it that you see when you look up in the night sky -things like the Milky Way which is made of 4 or 5 billion stars -- well there are billions of those types of Milky Way galaxies in this universe. This is all that are incarnate if you think of all the things that are disincarnate there are far more galaxies and far more stars than entities all waiting to come in to incarnation or to go out of incarnation into a greater state of being. When you begin to awaken to this inner vision that the awakened chakras give you, you begin to enter this world where you can tell that what you see with your physical eyes is just a small portion of this multidimensional universe. Jesus said "I come to bring you life, and that more abundantly" and what he really meant by that was he came to give us a far greater visioning of a far greater and abundant universe than you would ever see with the physical eye. There are vast number of beings, and the realms that you go to when you disincarnate -- vast numbers of universes. I'm really looking forward to the day when science actually discovers properly that it is working on this fourth ether here between the seven sub planes and its subatomic particles and quantum mechanics and all the rest is just the physics of the fourth ether. It's all about how the fourth ether and the gaseous sub planes interrelate. They have to tabulate and quantify the properties of these realms. Just imagine when the science that we have here and now is considered the science of the dark ages! And literally speaking I mean the dark ages and there will be a true renaissance in science. Science and religion will become one. This is what I work for, and this is what the New Age will bring. Some of these types of phenomena of which I speak can be quantified now through devices because the scientific community are starting to develop some very sensitive techniques for recording very high vibrational energy states. If you look at the psychic realms, all that you are looking at is a matter of such as our physical bodies are, vibrating at a far higher frequency than the atoms of the physical body. For instance with modern science when they are looking at the size of an atom -- if you are to make an atom the size of an orange then the electron would be the size of our solar system away from it and the distance between two atoms would be a far vaster difference of space. So from a scientific point of view, all that material substance is really vast space, vast stretches of empty space with tiny little specks in between called atoms. What we're saying is that vast stretch of empty space is actually just filled with a lot of smaller atoms -- astral plane atoms -- that which we call atoms of the mind. All are obeying laws of that of the physical plane. They need to understand that that is what our "almost empty" universe is actually full off.


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