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The legacy of a Planet Keeper Since getting involved with the ThinkQuest Projects platform and entering the

Narrative Competition, our Planet Keepers have been busy doing their fair share to protect the planet and keep the message alive. In July 2009 they presented their project at the Caribe Hilton of San Juan to all of the school principles of the south-east region. Encouraging them to get motivated and involved with the Thinkquest platform and promote conservation activities at school. August 2009- Planet Keepers were invited to visit the solar house CASH in UPR Rio Piedras in recognition of their contribution on living green. September 2009- Planet Keepers team organized a costal clean up. Managing to gather 237 volunteers and in four hours picked up 2,275 lbs. of solid waste and 100 bags of recyclable material (plastic, aluminum) October 2009 Planet Keepers wanted to spread their message to a larger audience, and for that they went on a radio talk show, Tercera Generacin, on Radio Leo, Ponce. There the talked about the things that can be done in our households to contribute in conserving energy and not waste water. They also talked about their experience in ThinkQuest Live, San Francisco. November 2009- Invited to meet with the Governor of Puerto Rico, Hon. Luis Fortuo, to talk about their project and the need for the creation of incentives and green programs for the island. Feb.- March 2010 Science Fair Competition All members of Planet Keepers submitted a project. Most of the projects were related in some way with the overall theme of conservation or green alternatives. Ramn- El Efecto de los Papeles en la Escuela 2nd place District Nazhira- Por qu la gente come dems? (Obesidad) Mencion honorifica Jose- Cmo Conservar el Planeta y sus Recursos Naturales? 2nd place District Lyanne- Microbial Mats as an Organic Purificador to Diesel- 1stplace District, 3rd Regional Leslyanne- Polimorfismo en las alas de las Mariposas Danaus Plexippus 2nd place District Upcoming event: May 5, 2010 Planet Keepers conference on protecting the planet to junior high school students at Felipe Coln Daz School.

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