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Capricious, Mercurial, Erratic (RANDOM) Specious, Spurious, Mendacious, Apocryphal, Erroneous (FALSE) Ostentatious, Flamboyant, Extravagant (SHOWY) Bombastic,

Pompous, Pretentious, Haughty, Conceited, Supercilious, Hubristic (ARROGANT) Dispassionate, stoic, Apathetic, Phlegmatic (EMOTIONLESS) Esoteric, Arcane (OUT OF COMMON KNOWLEDGE) Diffident, Reserved, Reticent, Taciturn, Introverted (SHY) Belligerent, Bellicose, Pugnacious, Cantankerous, Fractious, Truculent (TROUBLESOME/AGGRESSIVE) Iconoclasm (DESTROYING/INSULTING POPULAR THINGS) Didactic, Pedagogical, Exhortative (INSTRUCTIVE) Concise, Succinct, Laconic (USING FEW WORDS) Prognosis (PREDICTION) Acquiesce (TO PASSIVELY AGREE TO) Tacit, Implicit (IMPLIED) Ephemeral, transient (FLEETING) Cosmopolitan, Eclectic, Motley (DIVERSE) Metropolitan, Urban (IN A CITY) Banal, hackneyed, prosaic, clich, trite (STALE/WORN OUT) Placid, Quiescent, docile (QUIET/CALM) Deference, Reverence (RESPECT) Obsequious (SERVILE) Sycophant (A KISS-UP) Benign, Innocuous (HARMLESS) Extol, Laud, Venerate (PRAISE) Vindictive (SEEKING REVENGE) Vindicate, Corroborate, Substantiate (JUSTIFY) Fervently, Ardently, Zealously, Fanatically (PASSIONATELY) Impetuous (RECKLESS) Ambiguous, nebulous, Equivocal, Abstruse (UNCLEAR)

Adept, Adroit (SKILLED) Vacillate, Oscillate (HESITATE/FLUCTUATE) Deleterious, Pernicious, Virulent, Malignant (HARMFUL) Opulent, Affluent (RICH) Anachronistic (OUT OF CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) Paragon, Paradigm, Canon (STANDARD/EXAMPLE) Tenacious, Obstinate, Adamant (PERSISTENT/DETERMINED) Penchant, Proclivity, Predilection (A TENDENCY) Amalgamation, Amalgam (A COMBINATION) Gregarious, Affable, Amiable (BEING SOCIAL & LIKABLE) Alleviate, Mitigate, Allay, Assuage, Abate (LESSEN) Penury, Destitution, Indigence (POVERTY) Ambivalent (UNDECIDED) Exorbitant, Extraneous, Superfluous (MORE THAN NEEDED) Nondescript (PLAIN/UNREMARKABLE) Rudimentary, Elementary (BASIC) Stratified, Hierarchical (HAVING A LAYERED ORDER)

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