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Olmstead 1 Jesse Olmstead Raymond 20 January 2014 Names Sake Where my name came from has always interested

me. Not necessarily my first name. I know the story on it. Though it is a Christian first name, becoming Jesse was really a microcosm of belonging to a family where everyones name starts with a J. I was more interested about my last name. Olmstead is not the most common last name, at least not as common much as William or Anthony. However, where it originated from is beyond me. When starting my search, I found results that shocked me. One source said that the Olmstead name originated in Sweden. Ive never heard that one at the dinner table. Ive heard stories of Englishmen, but Sweden was never mentioned. Though I do still believe that the Olmstead name originated in England, I found out some other information that furthered my curiosity. For example, there are 154 families in New York with the last name Olmstead. Out of these, a large portion came from Sweden. I know my great grandparents were from Connecticut and moved to Vermont later on, but I do wonder where the first Olmsteads who Im related to immigrated. Out of the series of questions I want to ask my grandparents next, I want to ask him if he knew anything about Swedish ancestors. One site I was on talked about Swedish immigrants who moved to England, which is why some Swedish and English

Olmstead 2 have the same surname. Nevertheless, finding out about the various possibilities of where my last name could have come from has really raised my interest.

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