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Olmstead 1 Jesse Olmstead Raymond 30 January 2014 Czeching Up On Ancestors My moms side of the family the Tomkos are

re from a country with a tricky history. Tricky because Czechoslovakia split into two different countries after my ancestors left. The two sides are now known as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, the flag of the original Czechoslovakia is still intact, and is used by the Czech Republic today. The very first flag was a white strip on top of a red stripe. They later changed it to its triangle and two stripe appearance to make it look different from the Polish flag, and the blue triangle was added because the color blue was a traditional Slovakian color (Historical Czech Flags). This was done in 1920. The flag is simply known as Flag of Czechoslovakia. In Czechoslovakia, the national anthem is named Where Is My Home? It was composed by F. kroup. It is the modern day anthem of the region my ancestors were from the Czech Republic. When starting out, the song originally had two verses but when it became the first part of the Czechoslovak state anthem after the countrys liberation in 1918, only one verse was used (Czech Anthem). Modern day Czech Republic would not allow anybody to have citizenship without going through a difficult process.. To gain citizenship he/she proves in interview at the relevant authority their knowledge of the Czech language (this does not apply to an applicant who is or who was a citizen of the Slovak Republic)

Olmstead 2 (Granting Nationality). The fact that no one in my family can speak Czech ends all possibilities of citizenship in it self. Czechoslovakia has undergone numerous changes throughout the years. The splitting up of the country into two smaller identities caused many traditional values that my ancestors shared to be lost. Nevertheless, the Czech Republic has kept the flag and anthem of the now extinct country alive.

Olmstead 3

Works Cited Czech Republic. n.d. n.p. WEB 30 Jan 2014. Granting Nationality of the Czech Republic. Modern Administration. n.d. Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. WEB 30 Jan 2014. Historical Czech Flags. Historical Flags of Our Ancestors. n.d. n.p. WEB 30 Jan 2014.

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