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Aprll 19, 2014

1o Whom lL May Concern:

l am wrlLlng Lhls leLLer ln sLrong recommendaLlon of Sara naLhanson. Sara ls a graduaLe of Lhe
unlverslLy of Mlchlgan undergraduaLe rogram ln LlemenLary LducaLlon. l was Sara's professor
for a llLeracy meLhods course, !"#$%&'( *$#+,-. /,% 0&%1( 01$2$3#&%( 45$- 6#7-$3#. 809 :;<= ln
fall 2012 and for Lwo modules of a course LlLled 0-7'&#",3 "3 & *71#"'71#7%&1 6,'"$#( 809 >?@= ln
2013A 1hrough my work wlLh Sara ln Lhese courses, l became famlllar wlLh her work ln mulLlple
fleld seLLlngs, as well as ln Lhe unlverslLy seLLlng.

lor all Lhe courses LhaL l LaughL, every asslgnmenL Sara Lurned ln was well LhoughL ouL and
presenLed. Sara LhoughLfully planned each of her lessons and reflecLed on LhaL Leachlng ln a
hlghly aLLenLlve and deLalled manner. Per analysls of sLudenL work was more aLLenLlve Lhan an
average sLudenL's analysls. She repeaLedly demonsLraLed Lhe ablllLy Lo pull on mulLlple sources
of lnformaLlon, lncludlng chlldren's wrlLLen work, Lhelr lnLeresLs, Lhelr performance on
assessmenLs and a sLrong undersLandlng of sLandards Lo lnform her Leachlng. lor example, on
mulLlple asslgnmenLs she demonsLraLed LhaL she was able Lo analyze chlldren's runnlng records
or wrlLlng producLs ln ways LhaL accuraLely ldenLlfled Lhelr sLrengLhs, challenges, and fuLure
lnsLrucLlonal needs. ln addlLlon Lo Sara's ablllLy Lo plan LhoughLful and rlgorous lessons, l was
also conslsLenLly lmpressed wlLh Sara's reflecLlve sLance as an educaLor and her marked
dedlcaLlon Lo her sLudenLs and chosen professlon. l also observed Sara's work ln Lhe fleld wlLh
chlldren. ln LducaLlon 401, l had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo vlew and respond Lo mulLlple vldeos LhaL
Sara submlLLed LhaL capLured her Leachlng young chlldren. She was very commlLLed Lo Lhls work
and her Leachlng exhlblLed Lhls commlLmenL.

l am very, very confldenL LhaL Sara wlll excel as a Leacher. She wlll Lake Lhe Llme Lo deslgn
lnsLrucLlon LhaL ls engaglng, exclLlng and effecLlve. 8uL her work wlll noL end wlLh Lhe deslgn and
dellvery of lnsLrucLlon. Sara ls Lhe klnd of Leacher who wlll be conslsLenLly reflecLlve upon her
work, always seeklng opporLunlLles for conLlnued growLh as an educaLor. She has my sLrong


uebl khasnabls, h.u.
Cllnlcal AsslsLanL rofessor of LducaLlon
unlverslLy of Mlchlgan, School of LducaLlon
610 LasL unlverslLy, 8oom 1302L
Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1239

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