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Jesse Olmstead Raymond English 1102 15 April 2014 Visual Incorporation Homicide Rate 1910-1944

Homicide Rate 1910-1944. 1970. Gif. This visual will go in my section of crime and its economic cost to America. Obviously, work production goes down when a spike of 100,000 people each year are killed from the illegal alcohol trade. We can all see the crime rate went sky high from this one single homicide image. Though it is hard to exactly know exactly how many illegal alcohol sales were going on during prohibition the rise homicides brings up serious issues. People did

not become violent all of a sudden without motive. Alcohol being banned and trafficked correlates directly with the homicide rate during the period.

Total Expenditure on Distilled Spirts as a Percentage of Total Alcohol Sales (18901960)

Warburton, Clark. Total Expenditure on Distilled Spirts as a Percentage of Total Alcohol Sales (1890-1960). 1932. Gif. In this graph we can see that the money spent on alcohol did not go away when prohibition came to be. In a sense, alcohol is like any other substance that is illegal. Since a thrill is observed from consuming the illegal substance, large amounts of money are put forth to obtain it, even though the substance is in fact illegal. We can all see the rice in total expenditure the year prohibition arises. This commonly why societies do not exclude a popular item in a dramatic fashion. Warburtons graph suggests that the total percentage went up 30 points in a little

over what looks like 5 years. Not only was all this money going to bootleggers the US missed out on the tax of alcohol for around 13 years.

Alcohol Control During Prohibition: Dry Counties (Red), Wet Counties (Blue), SemiDry, Counties (Yellow).

Alcohol Control During Prohibition. 2012. JPEG. This graph is perfect for showing how Americas economy did not direcly see the benefits of alcohol sales during prohibition. Though a good majority of the United States was still drinking away, only the bootleggers and saloons were seeing the profit. If one thinks about the cost to keep 50 states from all alcohol consumption and distribution it is easy to imagine it can get pretty pricy. Well, thats why many

states did not even bother. We can see that a good chunk of America were wet states, which means they kept consuming alcohol after prohibition was enacted without worries.

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