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Joseph Jerris Lit 2000 Prof.

McGriff 2/12/14

John Updikes A&P is a short story about a young boy seeing some girls while at his job at a convenience store and even though that seems like that is all the story has a bit of a deeper meaning. Throughout the whole story the theme of growing up and transitioning from a boy to a man is implied through the actions of the boy that is telling the story such as his view of the girls and his decision to quit his job in the end. To begin with, the main character Sammys description of the girls that enter the store helps show the theme of growing up in the story. This helps imply the theme of growing up because when the girls first enter the store it is at the beginning of the story and at this point in the story the point where the main character, Sammy, hasnt really reached his point of growing up yet. This is evident in Sammys description of the girls he states a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the top of the back of her legs (149-50). In this description Sammy is noticing one of the girls for the first time as they walk in the store and he notices features such as the tan on the top of her legs and in his observations he had even forgotten what he had previously done and rung up an extra item. This description and the event that happened due to his focus on the girl shows at this point in

the story Sammy had not reached a point of growing up, he was focused on the girls instead of focusing on his job. Another point that shows he was not at a point of growing up was what part of the girl he was observing specifically, her legs, and not just her legs but the tops of her legs near her butt which can show that he was still childish because it was one of the first things he had noticed over everything else when the girls had entered the store. This description and the other descriptions he gives of the other girls through the story show that he is at a childish state and has not matured which will make the point of his growing up clear when it happens. In addition, when Sammy decides to quit his job at the end of the story it fully makes the point of his growing up and maturing in the story. When the store manager came in the store and saw the girls in bathing suits he ended up saying some things to embarrass them and this makes Sammy angry and causes him to quit. As he is quitting the story states it seems to me that once you begin a gesture its fatal not to go through with it (153). This in it of itself really shows how Sammy has matured because while he was going through the action of quitting he had the chance to stop and continue working but instead he decides that he will go through with his actions, stand up for what he believes in, and take responsibility for his action no matter what the consequence. Another point that shows his maturing is as he leaves the store he says I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter (154). This can stand for the transition from his easy job as a store clerk that many younger people usually have into the adult world which he believes will be difficult to handle. In conclusion, John Updikes A&P is a cute little short story but in the end it has a deeper meaning and has a theme of growing up throughout the story. This theme was emphasized through his descriptions of the girls in the store showing his child like nature and by his quitting his job showing his Maturation and coming into adulthood.

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