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K2 Weekly Newsletter #30

Week of April 21st, 2014

EC Week 31 UISG EC Division

Whats been happening? This week we have been lucky enough to observe frogspawn growing and changing into tadpoles. The students have enjoyed checking on the tadpoles as they develop into frogs, and thinking about how big they might become. This week we will be focusing on the life cycle of a butterfly. K2 students will be making a colourful pasta art project to show their knowledge about the life of caterpillars and butterflies. The big event last week was Sports Day. K2 and Prep students had a wonderful day participating in 7 different activities. Mr Ly worked with the children in the weeks before this event to prepare them, and the results were clear for all to see. Thank you to all of our wonderful parent volunteers who made the Sports Day such a success. UOI Information Transdisciplinary Theme: How The World Works Central Idea: All living things go through a process of change. Key concepts: Causation, change, form Related concepts: Animals, plants, growth Lines of inquiry -Living vs Non-living things -Exploring different lifecycles -Basic needs between people, animals and plants

Reminders: - Complete and return Swimming sessions form - Complete and return Field Trip forms - IB Regional Visit form be involved in the parent forum - Please send a hat and spare clothes for your child th - This Thursday 24 April is a catch up day for school photos. If your child was not at school for photos, he or she will have their photo taken this Thursday.

We would like to thank last weeks Classroom Helpers

Helper Line Leader Snack & Lunch Calendar/Weather K2G
Stirling Rachel Martin

Kei Jessica Ryan

Cinley and Mia Florian and June Dima

Calendar of Upcoming Events And Celebrations

Month April Event/Celebration UPTA meeting K2 Field Trip to Ocean World & Guangzhou Zoo Holiday Mother-tongue storytelling Student-led conferences Comments

This Weeks Focus Finding Out stage

Language: Lettersound: Uu (Letterland character: Uppy Umbrella) UOI: Butterfly life cycle pasta art project Putonghua: Every stage in the process from egg to butterfly. (egg ---caterpillar ---cocoon -butterfly ) / Interactive story and game--looking for my friend Mathematics: Number (counting/formation/recognition/order to 20) / Patterns assessment Creative Art: PE: preparation and essential agreements for swimming lessons Music: Song Chicks grow into chickens / playing the xylophone Something Interesting To Know Its Earth Day this Tuesday, 22

24 25 May 12 20 22

Please be sure to return forms and money

More information soon

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Ms. Stephanie(K2R)- Ms. Chan (K2Y) Ms. Daoqiong (K2Y) Ms. Rimma (K2G) Class Reps: K2R waiting K2Y Antoniasmum (Nadine) K2Y Elisesmum (Ulrike) K2G Rachelsmum(Gillian): K2G Emersonsmum (Tiffanee) : Learn more about IB: K2 webpage: (password = k2pl@yground)


We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children Native American Proverb

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