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Persuasive/Argumentative Paragraph

Claim: The United States should not censor material from the public because censorship violates free speech and people should be free to make their own decisions regarding what they watch. Counter Argument CCA One might say that censorship protects citizens from the harshness of the world, but people should strive to be informed, rather than ignorant.

1ST Reason Censorship violates rights of American Citizens

2nd Reason People should be free to police themselves and their children

Supporting Detail for Reason 1 The first amendment states that citizens have freedom of expression and speech. Explanation of Supporting Detail When the government censors people they take away inalienable rights.

Supporting Detail for Reason 2 Many schools use web filters that block content from LGBT sites, but not anti-LGBT sites (ACLU). Explanation of Supporting Detail Allowing outside sources to censor information from children could lead to biased presentations and viewpoints. Supporting Detail for Reason 2 In China, the government censors nearly all information, leaving most Chinese in the dark as to reality (Moyan). Explanation of Supporting Detail Allowing the government censorship rights may snowball the U.S. into a similar situation to China.

Supporting Detail for Reason 1 The U.S. has shown mixed results in court regarding freedom of expression (West 1). Explanation of Supporting Detail Citizens cannot trust a government that does not follow its own laws and regulations.

CONCLUDING SENTENCE As a result, groups, including the U.S. government, should not be allowed to censor material because they do not always obey the laws or show they represent the best interests of citizens.

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