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100 Dollars

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door. SON: "Daddy, may I ask yo a ! estion"" DAD: "#eah s re, what is it"" SON: "Daddy, how m ch do yo make an ho r"" DAD: "$hat%s none of yo r & siness. 'hy do yo ask s ch a thing"" SON: "I ( st want to know. )lease tell me, how m ch do yo make an ho r"" DAD: "If yo m st know, I make *+,, an ho r." SON: "Oh- .'ith his head down/. SON: "Daddy, may I 0lease &orrow *5,"" $he father was f rio s. DAD: "If the only reason yo asked that is so yo can &orrow some money to & y a silly toy or some other nonsense, then yo march yo rself straight to yo r room and go to &ed. $hink a&o t why yo are &eing so selfish. I work hard e1eryday for s ch this childish &eha1ior." $he little &oy ! ietly went to his room and sh t the door. $he man sat down and started to get e1en angrier a&o t the little &oy%s ! estions. 2ow dare he ask s ch ! estions only to get some money" After a&o t an ho r or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: 3ay&e there was something he really needed to & y with that * 5, and he really didn%t ask for money 1ery often. $he man went to the door of the little &oy%s room and o0ened the door. DAD: "Are yo aslee0, son"" SON: "No daddy, I%m awake". DAD: "I%1e &een thinking, may&e I was too hard on yo earlier. It%s &een a long day and I took o t my aggra1ation on yo . 2ere%s the *5, yo asked for." $he little &oy sat straight 0, smiling. SON: "Oh, thank yo daddy-" $hen, reaching nder his 0illow he 0 lled o t some cr m0led 0 &ills. $he man saw that the &oy already had money, started to get angry again. $he little &oy slowly co nted o t his money, and then looked 0 at his father. DAD: "'hy do yo want more money if yo already ha1e some"" SON: "4eca se I didn%t ha1e eno gh, & t now I do.

"Daddy, I ha1e *+,, now. 5an I & y an ho r of yo r time" )lease come home early tomorrow. I wo ld like to ha1e dinner with yo ." $he father was cr shed. 2e 0 t his arms aro nd his little son, and he &egged for his forgi1eness.

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