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NAMES: 1st person answers the question out loud 2nd person ask for evidence, agrees or disagrees

(1st person may rephrase response) 3rd person summarizes conversation between 1 + 2 & tells 4th person what to write 4th records Switch roles one person to the left and repeat. -1. What were the main events? (may be helpful to draw a timeline) 2. Who and what were impacted (disruption of the ecosystem, including the food web & trophic levels) -- Ex: dark lake, can't just put fish back in, have to clean up ecosystem so it can sustain life 3. Why was this an important event? 4. Give examples of succession in this movie. (Which organisms returned, at what rate did they return, which organisms never came back to the area, did anything come that wasn't there before the eruption, etc) 5. What role could people have in encouraging succession & rehabilitation of this area (or any other area)?

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