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-Upper Body StrengtheningBicep Curl

-This exercise strengthens the muscles of your upper arms. Sit down on a chair with good posture. Hold hand weights in each hand, palm up. Raise both hand weights upward toward your shoulders. Slowly lower them down after a short pause.

Forearm strengthening
-This exercise strengthens the muscles that turn your forearm and wrist from front and back. Extend arm out forward, palm up. Hold a hand weight in each hand. Turn wrist from front to back.

Tricep extension
-This exercise strengthens the back of your upper arms. With arm to your side, bring your hand up to your shoulder with a bent elbow holding one end of the therapy band. Have someone stand behind you holding the other end of the therapy band. Slowly lower your hand down to your lap then slowly bring it back up.

Deltoid raises
-This exercise strengthens your upper arms and shoulders. Hold hand weights in each hand. Palms facing toward each other. Bring hands up to your shoulder with a bent elbow at your sides. Slowly punch your hand upward then slowly bring it back down to the starting position. Alternate arms

Rotator Cuff exercises

-Rotator Cuff refers to the muscles that stabilize the shoulder.

Lateral Raise/Internal rotation

-This exercise targets the supraspinatus muscle. In a seated position, grasp a hand weight in each hand, internally rotate the arms so that the thumbs point towards the floor when extended (as if emptying a drink onto the floor) Raise the arms sideways, keeping the thumbs pointing downwards, until the dumbbells are just below the shoulders. Slowly lower arm down to your side, into starting position. Alternate arms

Propped External Rotator

-This exercise targets the infraspinatus and teres minor. In a seated position, grasp a hand weight in each hand bring one arm up and out. Bend elbow at a 90 degree angle parallel to the floor. With palms parallel to the floor, keeping elbow stationary, raise your hand toward the ceiling, pointing upward. Slowly lower the dumbbell into starting position. Repeat, alternating arms.

Subscapularis strengthening exercise

Place hand on abdomen above belly button and just below sternum. Press hand into stomach while rotating elbow forward. Do not bend wrist or move shoulder forward. Return to starting position and repeat, alternating arms.

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