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ReNEW RCAA Arts Integration Teaching Plan1st year teacher at RCAA:

-Uses Visual Thinking Strategies or Tableau as part of lesson planning on a consistent basis (1X weekly) -Has one visual documentation of strategy archived and displayed -By end of year, has one thematic unit integrating an art form in their long term plan and archives in LP bank

2nd year teacher at RCAA:

-Uses VTS and Tableau in lesson planning on a consistent basis (1-2X weekly) and provides support to first year teachers in both VTS and Tableau --Has two or more archived and public documentation of a strategy and thematic unit -Each semester, uses one thematic unit integrating an art form in long term plan and archives in hallway and LP bank

3rd year + RCAA teacher:

-Uses all three high-impact strategies as appropriate in lessons (1-2X
weekly) and provides support to 1st-2nd year teachers -Has quarterly archived and public documentation of high impact strategy -Uses at minimum 2 thematic units yearly integrating the art form of their choice and archives in hallway and LP bank -Provides support in project planning to 1st and 2nd year teachers

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