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Scrum Aide Memoire

8ased on Lhe Scrum Culde. CcLober 2011 Ldn

Scrum (n): A framework wlLhln whlch people can address complex adapLlve problems, whlle producLlvely and creaLlvely dellverlng producLs of Lhe hlghesL posslble value.
8oles ArLlfacLs LvenLs Mlscellaneous
roducL Cwner (C) roducL 8acklog (8) 1he SprlnL Scrum 1eam (S1)
8esonslble for maxlmlzlng value of Lhe producL & u1 Slngle source of requlremenLs for a pro[ecL 1lme-box: <= A calendar monLh. MusL be conslsLenL ConslsLs of C, SM & u1
Manages roducL 8acklog, lncl. order C solely responslble for conLenL, avall & orderlng Work on S8l's unLll "uone" and creaLe a usable & Self-organlzlng and cross-funcLlonal
Cne person, noL a commlLLee Cnly one 8 per pro[ecL, even lf mulLl Scrum Leams poLenLlally releasable producL lncremenL Pave all skllls needed Lo accompllsh Lhe work
Scrum MasLer (SM) C Lracks LoLal work lefL every S8 or sooner uurlng SprlnL: ueflnlLlon of uone (uou)
ManagemenL poslLlon buL does noL manage S1 SprlnL 8acklog (S8)
> no changes made LhaL wlll affecL SprlnL Coal
varles per Scrum 1eam
8emoves lmpedlmenLs lorecasL by u1 of 8l's Lo be done for nexL lncremenL > u1 composlLlon remalns consLanL (Where poss) Lveryone musL undersLand whaL 'uone' means
ServanL leader. laclllLaLes buL does noL manage Lvolves durlng Lhe SprlnL > CuallLy goals do noL decrease When MulLl Scrum 1eams lnLegraLe Lhelr work lL musL
uevelopmenL 1eam (u1) Cnly u1 can modlfy S8 durlng a SprlnL > Scope may be negoLlaLed beLween C & u1 resulL ln a uou LhaL ls poLenLlally releasable
Cross-funcLlonal and self-managlng. 1eam slze 3-9 u1 Lracks LoLal work lefL every ually Scrum or sooner Cnly C can cancel SprlnL before Llme-box over SprlnL Coal
1here are no seL pro[ecL roles wlLhln Lhe Leam lncremenL new SprlnL sLarLs lmmedlaLely afLer end prlor SprlnL ueflned before SprlnL 8acklog ls devlsed
8esponslble for updaLlng work esLlmaLe durlng SprlnL Sum of all 8l's 'done' durlng Lhls and prlor SprlnLs SprlnL ls a wrapper around all evenLs below Cb[ecLlve LhaL wlll be meL by lmplemenLlng S8
SprlnL lannlng (S) ually Scrum (uS) SprlnL 8evlew (S8) SprlnL 8eLrospecLlve (S8eL)
lor enLlre Scrum 1eam (C opLlonal L 2) lor u1. Peld same place & Llme Lo reduce complexlLy lor Scrum 1eam and SLakeholders lor Scrum 1eam
1lme-box: 8 hrs (prop less for shorLer SprlnL) 1lme-box: 13 mlnuLes 1lme-box: 4hrs (prop less for shorLer SprlnLs) 1lme-box: 3 hrs (prop less for shorLer SprlnLs)
ulvlded lnLo Lwo meeLlngs, each 30 of Llme-box 1eam updaLe each oLher on Lhree quesLlons: CollaboraLe abouL whaL was done ln SprlnL lnspecL for lmprovemenLs Lo be made for nexL SprlnL
llrsL parL of meeLlng: WhaL wlll be dellvered > WhaL l have done slnce lasL ually Scrum" CollaboraLe on Lhe nexL Lhlngs LhaL could be done AdapL 'uou' as req'd
Second parL of meeLlng: Pow lL wlll be dellvered > WhaL l wlll do before nexL ually Scrum 8esulLs ln revlsed 8 & probable 8l's for nexL SprlnL
lan only for SprlnL and noL for enLlre pro[ecL > Any lmpedlmenLs l am faclng C 1racks LoLal pro[ecL work remalnlng
CLher ueflnlLlons CLher noLes: Sample 8urndown CharL
1lme-box Scrum does noL have a role called "ro[ecL Manager" nb: 1he Scrum Culde no longer conLalns a reference Lo 8urndown CharLs buL quesLlons sLlll exlsL ln Lhe assessmenL
1he maxlmum Llme an evenL can consume Scrum's roles, arLlfacLs, evenLs, & rules are lmmuLable
SprlnL 8acklog lLem (S8l) Scrum 1eams should work aL a susLalnable pace
8l Chosen by u1 for Lhe currenL SprlnL le: 7 Lo 8 hours per day
S8ls are owned by Lhe u1, never an lndlvldual
roducL 8acklog lLem (8l)
An lLem from Lhe roducL 8acklog
1end Lo be larger Lhan correspondlng S8ls
roducL 8acklog groomlng
AcL of addlng deLall, esLlmaLes, and order Lo 8l's
uone by C & u1 usually for <= 10 of u1 capaclLy
LsLlmaLlng (noL formal parL of Scrum Culde)
Scrum 1eams ofLen use relaLlve slzlng
SLory olnLs are ofLen used raLher Lhan hours or days
Plgher ordered 8ls need beLLer esLlmaLes Cpen AssessmenL llnk
u1 ls responslble for all esLlmaLes hLLp://hLLp://
1hls documenL ls provlded by Lo ald candldaLes slLLlng Lhe rofesslonal Scrum MasLer l assessmenL dellvered by
0 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20


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lanned AcLual

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