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Standard 2

Megan Willoughby

Standard 2: Students will demonstrate that s/he can create and maintain safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination. My artifact for standard 2 is and educational/behavior system. The program I have pictured is a tray system where the teacher set up three educational tasks for him to do then he get a break once he completes all three tasks. A task is placed in each compartment of the tray. Every time the student completes a task he can unstick the Velcro number. When all three tasks are done and the numbers are gone the student gets a break. Standard four is an important part of a Special Education teachers job because they must create safe, inclusive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self determination. The tray system gives students the ability to have all that. Through the tray system teachers are able to use motivational and instructional interventions to teach individuals with exceptionalities. These interventions enhance student learning in school settings. In conclusion I have learned how giving students interventions for behavior and for educational purposes can give students the structure they need to succeed in the classroom with their peers. I learned when you give student s motivation or something to work towards in their interests they want to succeed. Many times this involves and instruction or behavior plans. Though being

Standard 2

Megan Willoughby

consistent with educational and behavioral plans students can achieve and maintain positive social interactions, self-determination, and emotional wellbeing.

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