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Enterprise Community Healthy Start

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Fall Issue 2014


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic violence is not limited to physical abuse, it may also include emotional abuse, sexual abuse and even intimidation, among other forms. SafeHomes is a non -profit organization located in communities surrounding Augusta, Georgia, who has been assisting victims since 1979. SafeHomes offers various services including family abuse intervention, dating violence prevention and domestic violence awareness. All services are free and confidential and safe shelter is also provided for those in need. If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse, please contact the 24-hour hotline. 24 HOUR AND CONFIDENTIAL 1-706-736-2499 1-800-799-SAFE 1-800-33-HAVEN ALL SERVICES ARE FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL

Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.
This is Lindas story.
My name is Linda and I started having a bad life at 18. I met what I thought was a wonderful man. He was one of my bosses from work. He was so kind to me at fist. We would spend lovely times together just having fun. I seemed important to him; at least I thought I was. After we were dating for about 2.5 months I found out I was pregnant and I wanted no more children. I already had a son and I was too young for him but another would have been havoc. So I told Joe that I wanted to terminate the pregnancy and that is when it all started. He kept me home and fired me from my job. For the 1st time he hit me right across the face because I said I was leaving him. He dragged me into the dept. store and said we are going shopping so stop crying like a baby. He acted like it was nothing and I knew it was wrong but I did as I was told. I was 18 and he was 31. I thought an older man would be better for me but I was wrong! The hitting became beatings almost every day. Even though I was pregnant, he did not care. He said, If you were a good girl I wouldnt have to discipline you so much. I hated hearing that. Be a good girl- that was screwed up ya know? I had my daughter and I thought it would help us but it didnt. It just meant that I was stuck with him. The black eyes and busted lips and bruised body was all I knew and he was taking my heart too. I was no longer living near my parents and I was forbidden to have friends or should I say a life? Two years later I became pregnant and I was not at all happy with that. But of course I had to stay pregnant. It cooled him down a little and he always said he was sorry. I hated my life and I wanted it to end but I had children whom I loved and I couldnt leave them. That is what keeps me alive. I tried to get help from my dad but he said THAT I MADE MY BED NOW - lay in it!! That hurt so much because I thought daddies were there to help when you needed them most. My father was angry with me because I had children and he said it was my fault I put myself in that type of position. My mom couldnt even help me she could barely take care of herself. So as my pregnancy progressed he was a little nicer to me- we had twins now. That was the worse news to me. I kept thinking how am I going to leave with 4 kids. I paid for a tubal ligation so I couldnt have any more children with him. I started saving a dollar here and a dollar there so I could escape my hell with my children. I remember one day that I told him I hated him with every bone in my body. He hit me so hard I went flying at least 10 feet across the bed and onto the floor. Blood dripping from my mouth, I just smiled and said, Are you done? I was so tired of him hitting me and controlling me as a person that I had had enough! He started hitting me some more and I didnt back down. He finally walked away. The days went by and I would get hit because I didnt vacuum first then dust. The house was not clean enough or there was a fork in the sink I would get slapped again. He made excuses to hit me. So I bided my time till I could leave. A few years later I was going to be gone within a few months then I found out I was pregnant again. I was floored because I paid to be fixed. Well I was that 1% that could get pregnant. So I stayed until my last child was 1 and a 1/2 and I packed my things and left. I left the children behind because I couldnt care for 5 children. I took the oldest child with me because he was mine and not his. I became a stripper to care for my son and we

did fine and I thought I would finally be free of violence. I loved my new life of no more long sleeved shirts or pants to cover the bruises. Then I met James and he swore he would never hit me and he didnt for 1 1/2 years. Then one day I was out riding my bike and I pulled into the front yard and he was yelling and all of a sudden I fell down. He had hit me in the face so hard I had lost my balance. I still do not know why he hit me that day he never told me. I stayed with him for a few more months hoping it was a mistake and it would never happen again. But I was wrong again. I let him move in with me in hopes of a good relationship. It did not last long. One night I went out with my friends like I always did on Fridays and when I got home he yelled and screamed at me for being out while he was working. I basically told him he needed to leave because it was not working out then he hit me across the face a couple of times. I got up and ran for the phone to call for help. He pulled it out of the wall. He kept saying why are you making me do this to you? He grabbed my hair and was dragging me into the bedroom and I knew what that meant from experience I began to scream for help. My son heard me and I hollered to him to get the neighbors and he did. He saved my life. James was arrested and given 1.5 years and no contact. I moved after that. We were over and I was over with men at least I thought I was. Then one day my friend introduced me to a handsome sweet intelligent man and I fell for him hard. I was tired of being put down and bruised but my girlfriend assured me that he was good. She lied! He was worse than the other two put together. It was pure hell and I didnt realize what pain really was till I was with Jeff. He hit me every day even if he woke

up in a good mood. I hated life and everyone in it. I thought that this is how my life was meant to be so I stayed for 6.5 years till I couldnt take it no more. He would call my job all of the time and make me bring home a register receipt to prove what time I left. He held a gun to my head and said, If you want to die, lets do it. He would hit me

me up at night. I wanted sleep again. I wanted to smile again. I wanted to be ME again. He invited me to his birthday party so I figured I would be safe. I was so tired from working 18 hours straight but I made it to the party and there was other people there so I was ok with it. He was drinking and taking Librium pills the next door neighbor got him. I should have known to leave but I didnt. I fell asleep on the couch and I awakened to him standing over me just looking at me in a confused look. I asked him what he was doing and he grabbed my throat and said, you think you can just walk away from me. No you cant. I froze for a moment because I had this strange feeling rush over me and I cant completely describe it but it was scary. I knew then if I didnt get away from him I would die! I knew it and I didnt know how but I was terrified beyond belief. I pushed him off and ran for the door. He got up and chased me and it started a fight

in the face all of the time. Everyone at my job knew he was mean but no one would help me. Finally after he broke my windshield for the 3rd time I left and moved 20 minutes away and transferred to another store. He found me once again. He called us all hours of the night yelling nasty things to myself and my roommate. He threatened her a lot and finally after 6 months of calls I finally agreed to see him in hopes of it being the last time. I was hoping that he had realized that after 6.5 years of hate he would finally end it and be civil. I wanted him to go on with his life so I could without him. I wanted to stop looking over my shoulder and my dreams would stop keeping

because I was determined to win this one. He grabbed my hair and pulled and yanked it hurt so bad that I could barely stand the pain...

For the rest of Lindas story please visit Story provided by: Mental Health Today: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Today. Refer to http://www.mental-health-today. com/ptsd/

November is National Caregivers Month

A caregiver can be anyone who helps and protects another person, generally referring to a child, an elderly person, or someone who is sick. Lets take this opportunity to show our appreciation for our caregivers. Just a few ways you can show your appreciation: 1. Make/Buy Them a Card 2. Check-in with a phone call or text 3. Offer to help them out where and when you can 4. Write a letter Be creative!

December 1st is National Aids Day

Get tested if you are at an increased risk for HIV. Discuss your risk with your doctor or nurse.


For free and confidential HIV testing, a calender and a list of locations: Call 706-721-4463 or visit

Health. Education. Community. Partnership. Outreach.

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