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Mechanisms of Inheritance: Variation

Teacher name Subject Grade Level Time duration Materials needed Lesson Objective Elizabeth Angeloff Biology 10th 1 hour and 30 minutes Laptops/tablets DNA modeling equipment SOL BIO.5 The student will investigate and understand common mechanisms of inheritance and protein synthesis. Key concepts include: historical development of the structural model of DNA. Students will understand the structure of a DNA model and the history behind the development of it. For homework from the previous class, students were to watch a screencast on the history of DNA Students will get into groups of two Each group will construct their own DNA model using the DNA modeling equipment provided. Each group will then use that model and the technology of their choice to make a short video highlighting the main components of the molecule Videos will be shared with their peers next class Assess quick quiz taken during the next class about history Assess DNA model does model have all the necessary components and are they highlighted in the video created

Purpose of the lesson Activity


NETS-T: 1a, 1c, 2a, 3d

This lesson models creative and innovative thinking by delivering material through a new technology and it promotes creative and innovative thinking by giving students the opportunity to choose how and with what technology to create their video of DNA structure. Promotes collaborative reflection by the students by having them watch each others videos and critique them. The lesson is adapted to incorporate multiple digital tools; screencast, Prezi, and video making tools. The students see proper use of both the screencast and the Prezi created by the teacher. TSIPs: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 The use of the screencast to deliver educational information shows effective use of computer software. Apply computer productive tool, Prezi and Word, for professional use. This lesson uses appropriate instructional software, Jing, to support the teaching of SOLs. This lesson includes presenting curriculum with educational technology. Knowledge of ethical and legal issues relating to technology is demonstrated at the end of the Prezi when proper citing is done for the images used.

Screen cast can be viewed here:

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