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Mentor/Sage Narrative Scene Script

Griffin Reilly Blue Group

I am impersonating my father when he was my age.

My heart was beating out of my chest, nearly audible. I felt a strong, sudden urge of power, something inside of me that cannot be expressed in words. I felt supreme. With two weapons in my hand, I charged out of my cave and launched the dual projectiles at the speed of sound towards my enemies, screaming with all my might, AMERICAAAAAAAA! When my enemies fired back, I closed my eyes, and emitted a quiet feminine scream and got ready to embrace the hit, and then it came. The missile exploded on my chest, shrapnel flying everywhere. It hurt. A lot. I looked down, and there it was. I was hit. Gushing down my chest were the remains of a ripe, navel orange. Terrified, I stared at my enemies, as they both stood there, unharmed. You missed, they said, mocking my demise. With tears of anger welling up in my eyes, I said, Well, I guess Im out. Nothing is closer to the horrors of the Vietnam War as a good, hard-fought, Anaheim orange grove fight. The intensity, the fear, its all real. One hit, and youre done for, you have shamed your country. And yes, to answer your question, it is that extreme. They are learning experiences for all of us, as are the occasional trips to the hospital for broken noses, lacerated arms, and the absolute worst; getting the orange stain out of your brand new, white t-shirt. Wed come home with all these injuries, our mothers wondering why we engage ourselves in such games. We said we did it for fun, but it was more than that. My father, and my best friends fathers were all out fighting for the army, my father in the Korean and Vietnam wars. I never liked my father, he was an awful man, but I had to look up to someone, being the oldest of four. Pretending to be in war made us feel closer to our families, which was something hard to find in my life. After my father left us, I never cared about what my career would be, I just wanted to be the best father possible to my kids, and I hope thats something I can say I have done.

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