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Wainaina 1 Brian Wainaina Ms.

Raymond February 22, 2014 English 1102

The man who polarized Kenya Once Kenya gained independence from Great Britain in 1963 millions of regular Kenyans were left confused and dazed. Great Britain had occupied Kenya since the early 1880s not many people knew of a Kenya without European influence. However, one man rose to power to lead Kenya through the uncertain times, his name was Jomo Kenyatta. He had captivated the hearts and minds of millions of Kenyans. The whole country valued his every word, almost as a visionary for the people! People read papers, watched TV, whenever possible to see his next move, leaning on him to guide them to an amazing Kenya. However, Mr. Kenyatta was very clear to point out that a new Kenya will not just be given to them from Heaven. There will be no handouts from up above, each and every Kenyan must work hard to improve the country in any little way they can (Sanford Ungar 112). Many people may think that, now there is Uhuru, now I can see the sun of Freedom shinning, richness will pour down like manna from Heaven. I tell you there will be nothing from Heaven. We must all work hard, with our hands, to save ourselves from poverty, ignorance, and disease" (Sanford Ungar 112). Mr. Kenyatta who would end up becoming the first president of Kenya told a group of Kenyans this at a speech in Nairobi shortly after Kenya gained independence from Great Britain. Mr. Kenyatta was a polarizing figure in Kenyan politics. At the time Kenyans viewed him as their Moses because he had brought Kenya to the promise land which being independence. However, Mr. Kenyatta wanted to emphasize to the country that a

Wainaina 2 new Kenya will not be given handed to them. In order to fix Kenyas economic problems, disease, and ignorance every Kenya has to contribute their own fair share.

Wainaina 3 Work Cited Sanford, Ungar. Africa, the People and Politics of an Emerging Continent. New York: Touchstone Books; 3 Rev Sub edition.1985. Paper Back

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