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November 26, 2012

Lesson Plan Grade/Subject: 4/5 ART Unit: Expression Lesson Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES General Learning Outcomes: Expression Specific Learning Outcomes: Record or document activities, people, and discourse Illustrate or tell a story Decorate items personally created Express a feeling or a message LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Retell a story using images. 2. Create a visual record of an important memory. 3. Create a decorative design for their moccasins, that retells their story ASSESSMENTS Observations: I can retell a story using Key Questions: images. What groups of people use moccasins? Why are moccasins important objects? What qualities make them important? They are handmade, they are made with love, they are unique/one of a kind, they take time to make, they are made of leather and beads. What object in your life is important? Why is it so important to you? Tell the story of how you got it using images. Also, represent the object using an image. Written/Performance Assessments: LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED Resource #1: Where Did You Get Your Moccasins? by Bernelda Wheeler MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Moccasin template Glue Scissors Pencil crayons Writers Workshop Blank paper (good copy) PROCEDURE Introduction ( 5 min.): Hook/Attention Grabber: Show images of Mikmaq moccasins. Ask students what details they notice about the moccasins (they are brown, they are made of leather, they are old looking, they have beads and designs on them.) The mikmaq were one of the first nations groups that lived in Atlantic Canada. Show them the image of the Wampum belt. The patterns made by beads on the belts represented messages or stories, or to honor historical events. Assessment of Prior Knowledge: What kinds of historical events do you think they might have depicted? Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Advance Organizer/Agenda:. Transition to Body: Body (min.):

November 26, 2012

Learning Activity #1: Where Did You Get Your Moccasins? 10 minutes Gather everyone together on the carpet. Read the story to them. Ask them why the moccasins were such an important object to the boy (his grandmother made them for him, they were part of his culture). Ask them to think of objects that are extremely significant to them/important. A significant object is tied to a story or an important memory. Assessments/Differentiation: Drawing The Story (30 minutes) Have the student write jot notes about their object. Write a note about: How did you get it? When do you get it? What does it look like? Feel like? Taste? Smell? Why is it important to you? Think about a way of drawing the story of getting your object. You should draw the story using symbols. This is NOT a comic there are not going to be words, but there can be different parts. It does not necessarily have to be a pattern, but if you feel like using a pattern is the best way to express your story you can. Draw it first then colour it using pencil crayons. Cut out the moccasin patterns. Fold the tabs down. Glue them together using the glue stick. Learning Activity #2: Write your story (30 minutes) Look back at your jot notes. Now that you have drawn your story, is there anything you would change? Or add to your jot notes? Write a paragraph to go along with your moccasins. When youre done the story should be told in two ways: using words and using images. Think about topic sentences, spelling, and complete sentences. Assessments/Differentiation: Learning Activity #3: Assessments/Differentiation: Closure (5 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Have students get together with a partner. They should switch their stories with another student. First, they should share the moccasins. They should guess what the other students story is about using the images. Then, each student should read the other ones story. Then, they have a chance to ask questions what are they curious about? Did they understand the story? Did the images add to it? Feedback From Students: Feedback To Students: Transition To Next Lesson:

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