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Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Including Electric Circuits Third Edition Paul Lorrain Université de Montréal and McGill University Dale R. Corson Cornell University Frangois Lorrain W. H. Freeman and Company New York Cover image: Lines of E and of Hin an optical waveguide. See page 668 Back cover image: Differentiating circuit. See page 144. SAATUKOGL N ———_ Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lorrain, Paul, Electromagnetic fields and waves. Includes index, 1, Electromagnetic fields. 2. Electromagnetic waves. I. Corson, Dale R. I. Lorrain, Frangois IM. Title (QC665.EAL67 1987 530.141 8631803 ISBN 0-716-71823-5 ISBN 0-716-71869.3 (pbk.) Copyright © 1988 by W. H. Freeman and Company No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechani photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 234567890 VB 654321089 CONTENTS “7 *8 10 i Preface vii : VECTOR OPERATORS. |. PHASORS 2 1 8? ELECTRIC FIELDS | 42 Coulomb’s Law and Gauss's Law ELECTRIC FIELDS II 64 The Equations of Poisson and Laplace. Charge Conservation. Conductors ELECTRIC FIELDS Ill Electric Multipoles ELECTRIC FIELDS IV 101 Energy, Capacitance, and Forces ELECTRIC FIELDS V9 Electric Circuits A: RC Circuits ELECTRIC FIELDS VI 149 Electric Circuits B: Circuit Theorems ELECTRIC FIELDS VII 172 Dielectric Materials A: Bound Charges and the Electric Flux Density D ELECTRIC FIELDS VIII 192 Dielectric Materials B: Real Dielectrics, Continuity Conditions at an Interface, and Stored Energy ELECTRIC FIELDS IX 211 Images. Laplace’s Equation in Rectangular Coordinates * Asterisks mean that the chapters can be skipped without losing continuity vi *13 “14 “15 *16 “17 18 19 *21 22 “24 *25 26 CONTENTS ELECTRIC FIELDS X 228 Laplace's Equation in Spherical Coordinates. Poisson's Equation for E RELATIVITY I 238 The Lorentz Transformation and Space-time RELATIVITY I] 281 The Lorentz Contraction and Time Dilation. The Transformation ofa Velocity RELATIVITY IIT 265 Mass, Momentum, Force, and Energy RELATIVITY IV 284 The Field of a Moving Electric Charge RELATIVITY V_ 308 Maxwell’s Equations. The Four-Potential A MAGNETIC FIELDS 1326 The Magnetic Flux Density B and the Vector Potential A MAGNETIC FIELDS Il 48. The Vector Potential A. Ampére's Circuital Law MAGNETIC FIELDS Ill 360 Magnetic Materials A: The Magnetic Flux Density B and the Magnetic Field Strength H MAGNETIC FIELDS IV 374 Magnetic Materials B: Ferromagnetism and Magnetic Circuits MAGNETIC FIELDS V 387 The Magnetic Forces on Charges and Currents MAGNETIC FIELDS VI 412 The Faraday Induction Law MAGNETIC FIELDS VII 437 Electric Circuits C: Mutual and Self Inductance MAGNETIC FIELDS VIII 482 Electric Circuits D: Inductive Circuits and Transformers MAGNETIC FIELDS IX 471 Magnetic Energy and Macroscopic Magnetic Forces MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS — 492 28 *29 30 31 32 33 44 “35 “36 37 38 39 vil PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES I 514 Uniform Plane Waves in Free Space, Nonconductors, and Conductors PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAV! Waves in Good Conductors and in Plasmas PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES II] ss4 Reflection and Refraction A: The Basic Laws and Fresnel’s Equations PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IV 578 Reflection and Refraction B: Nonuniform Plane Waves and Total Reflection PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES V__ 594 Reflection and Refraction C: Reflection and Refraction at the Surface of a Good Conductor GUIDED WAVES I 610 General Principles. The Coaxial and Microstrip Lines GUIDED WAVES I] 62% The Hollow Rectangular Waveguide GUIDED WAVES II] 646 The Planar Optical Waveguide A: The E GUIDED WAVES IV 662 The Planar Optical Waveguide B: The Guided Wave RADIATION I 675 The Potentials V and A and the Fields E and B RADIATION II 692 The Electric Dipole Transmitting Antenna RADIATION III 712 The Half-Wave Antenna, Antenna Arrays, and the Magnetic Dipole Antenna Appendix A SI PREFIXES AND THEIR SYMBOLS 730 Tl 836 igenvalue Equation Appendix B_ CONVERSION TABLE 731 Appendix C WAVES 732 ANSWERS 739 INDEX 745 CHAPTER 1 VECTOR OPERATORS 1.1 VECTOR ALGEBRA 11.1 INVARIANCE 12 THE GRADIENT ¥f Example: THE ELEVATION OF A POINT ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH 1.3. INVARIANCE OF THE OPERATOR F 14 FLUX Example: FLUID FLOW LS THE DIVERGENCE VB 1.6 THE DIVERGENCE THEOREM Examples 17 THE LINE INTEGRAL J -dl. CONSERVATIVE FIELDS 1 8 THECURLYxB Example: FLUID STREAM 19 STOKES'S THEOREM 1 1 1 1 L 1 Example: CONSERVATIVE FIELDS 10 THE LAPLACIAN OPERATOR ¥* 1 ORTHOGONAL CURVILINEAR COORDINATES. 11.1 CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES 1.2 SPHERICAL COORDINATES 11.3 THE GRADIENT 11.4 THE DIVERGENCE 11.5 THE CURL. 11.6 THE LAPLACIAN 12. SUMMARY PROBLEMS BREBE By %6 This introductory chapter is meant to help those readers who are not yet proficient in the use of vector operators. We shall frequently refer to the fields of electric charges and currents. For example, we shall consider the force between two electric charges to arise from an interaction between either one of the charges and the field of the other. Fig. 1-1. A vector A and its three component vectors A,f, 4,9, A.2 which, when they are placed end to end, are equivalent to A. The unit * vectors &, ¥, 2 point in the positive directions of the coordinate axes and are of unit magnitude. Mathematically, a field is a function that describes a physical quantity at all points in space. In scalar fields this quantity is specified by a single number for each point. Temperature, density, and electric potential are examples of scalar quantities that can vary from one point to another in space. In vector fields the physical quantity is a vector, specified by both a number and a direction. Wind velocity and gravitational force are examples of such vector fields. Vector quantities will be designated by boldface italic type, and unit vectors will carry a circumflex: £, §, 2 Scalar quantities will be designated by lightface italic ype We shall follow the usual custom of using right-hand Cartesian coordinate systems as in Fig. 1-1: the positive z-direction is the direction of advance of a right-hand screw rotated in the sense that turns the positive x-axis into the positive y-axis through the 90° angle. 1.1 VECTOR ALGEBRA Figure 1-1 shows a vector A and its three components A,, Ay, A,. If we define two vectors A=AR+AS+AR, B=B+BI+ BE, (1-1) where #,5,2 are the unit vectors along the x-, y-, and z-axes, respectively, then A+B=(A,+B,)e + (A, +B,)9 + (A. 4B. (1-2) A-B=(A, ~ Bk + (A, — By)¥ + (A. — (1-3) A-B= A,B, +A,B, + A.B. = AB cos $, (1-4) Fig. 1-2, Two vectors A and B and the unit vector é, normal to the plane containing A and B. The positive directions for @ and @ follow the right-hand screw rule. The vector product A x B is equal [0 AB sin P6,and BXA= -AX fF @ AXxB=|A, A, A,|=ABsinge=C, (1-5) B. BB. as in Fig. 1-2, where A= (Ar + Aj + A}? (1-6) is the magnitude of A, and similarly for B. The quantity A+B, which is read “A dot B,” is the scalar, or dot product of A and B, while AX B, read “A cross B,” is theit vector, or cross product. 1.1.1 Invariance The quantities A, B, and ¢ are independent of the choice of coordinate system. Such quantities are said to be invariant. A vector, say the gravitational force on a brick, is invariant, but its components are not; they depend on the coordinate sytem. Both the dot and cross products are functions of only A, B, and @ and are thus also invariant The sum and the difference, A + B and A—B, are themselves vectors and invariant. 1.2 THE GRADIENT Vf A scalar point-function is a scalar quantity, say temperature, that is a function of the coordinates. Consider a scalar point-function f that is y+ dsb fear A", , _f roa ' ' Fig. 1-3. A scalar-point function ou —__ L , changes from f to f + df over the . Td distance dl. continuous and differentiable. We wish to know how f changes over the infinitesimal distance di in Fig. 1-3. The differential S ay wty + of ox 3y oz af dz (7) is the scalar product of the two vectors dl = dx +dy§ +dzd (18) and fe, 85,9, Was Eto tat (9) ‘The second vector, whose components are the rates of change of f with distance along the coordinate axes, is called the gradient of f. The symbol Vaasa tts (1-10) is read “del.” Note the value of the magnitude of the gradient: of 2 ayia wea=[(52) (3) +3) | ca Thus df = Vf + dl =|Vf| |di| cos 8, (1-12) where 0 is the angle between the vectors Vf and dl. 12 THE GRADIENT ¥7 5 What direction should one choose for df to maximize df? That direction is the one for which cos @ = 1 or @=0, that is, the direction of vf. ‘Therefore the gradient of a scalar function at a given point is a vector having the following properties: (1) Its components are the rates of change of the function along the directions of the coordinate axes. (2) Its magnitude is the maximum rate of change with distance (3) Its direction is that of the maximum rate of change with distance. (4) It points toward larger values of the function. the gradient is a vector point-function that derives from a scalar point-function Again, we have two definitions: Vf is a vector whose magnitude and direction are those of the maximum space rate of change of f, and it is also the vector of Eq. 1-9. It is clear from the first definition that Vf is invariant, Example | THE ELEVATION OF A POINT ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH As an example of the gradient, consider Fig. i-4 in which E, the elevation above sea level, is a function of the x- and y-coordinates Fig. 1-4. Topographic map of a hill. The numbers shown give the elevation E in meters. The gradient of E is the slope of the hill at the point considered, and it points toward an increase in elevation, ‘The arrow shows VE at one point where the elevation is 400 meters. 6 VECTOR OPERATORS measured on a horizontal plane. Points at a given elevation define a contour line. The gradient of the elevation E at a given point then has the following properties: (1) Itis perpendicular to the contour line at that point. (2) Its magnitude is equal to the maximum rate of change of elevation with displacement measured in a horizontal plane at that point. (3) It points toward an increase in elevation. 1.3 INVARIANCE OF THE OPERATOR V We have just seen that Vf is invariant. Is the operator V itself also invariant? This requires careful consideration because the components of Vare not numbers, but operators. Let S and S" be any two sets of Cartesian coordinates. Figure 1-5 shows two sets having a common origin, for simplicity. Then a given vector A has the components A,, A,, A, in S, and Ay, Ay, Az in S’, with ApH On Ay tay Ay + aAn, (1-13) Ay = OA, + aA, + aye (1-14) A, =4,,A, + @yAy+a,A, (1-15) The a coefficients depend only on the orientation of S’ with respect to S. If A is Vf, then its components are (1-16) Fig. 1-5. A vector A and two sets of coordinates S and 5” having a common origin La FLUX 7 and ee eae en bx’ my f Oy gy bangs (1-17) Bee (1-18) and similarly for 3/3y’ and 3/2" The components of Vin S’, namely 3/8x’, 3/dy’, and 8/82’, relate to those of V in S, 9/8x, 8/dy, and 3/3z, in the same way as the components of any vector A in $’ and in $. Therefore Vis invariant like any vector, and it transforms as a vector. We shall use this property of V in the following sections. 1.4 FLUX It is often necessary to calculate the flux of a vector quantity through a surface. By definition, the flux d@ of B through an infinitesimal surface dsf is do =B- dst, (1-19) where the vector df is normal to the surface. The flux d@ is therefore the component of the vector normal to the surface, multiplied by did. For surface of finite area sf, of Bods. (1-20) If the surface is closed, the vector df points ourward, by convention. Example | FLUID FLOW Consider fluid flow, and let p be the density, v the velocity, and def an clement of area situated in the fluid. The scalar product pu - def is equal to the mass of fluid that crosses def in | second, in the direction of the vector ds#. Then the flux of pu through a closed surface, or the integral of pu - de over that surface, is equal to the net rate at which mass leaves the enclosed volume. In an incompressible fluid this flux would be equal to zero. Fig. 1-6, Element of volume dx dy dz and the vector B at the point P. 1.5 THE DIVERGENCE V-B ‘The outward flux of a vector through a closed surface can be calculated either from the above equation or as follows. Consider an infinitesimal volume dx dy dz and a vector B, as in Fig. 1-6, whose components B,, B,, B, are functions of x, y, z. The value of B, at the center of the right-hand face may be taken to be the average value over that face Through the right-hand face of the volume element, the outgoing Bux is 2B, dx’ ol lz, 1-21 aS) dy de, (1-21) dy = (B+ since the normal component of B at the righthand face is the x-component of B at that face. The volume being infinitesimal, we neglect higher-order derivatives of the components of B At the left-hand face, the outgoing flux is 3B. de =—-(8,-2:S) ay az 1-22 do. =-(8, ox 34 a2) There is a minus sign before the parenthesis because B, points inward at this face and ds# outward. Thus the outward flux through the two faces is 8B, 40, + d®p = 3B, =a: 1 de dy dz =" du, ‘ 23) where dv is the volume of the infinitesimal element. 16 THE DIVERGENCE THEOREM 9 If we calculate the net flux through the other pairs of faces in the same manner, we find that the total outward flux for the element of volume dv is (1-24) Suppose now that we have two adjoining infinitesimal volume elements and that we add the flux emerging through the bounding surface of the first volume to the flux emerging through the bounding surface of the second. At the common face, the fluxes are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, and they cancel. The sum, then, of the flux from the first volume and that from the second is the flux emerging through the bounding surface of the combined volumes. To extend this calculation to a finite volume, we sum the individual fuxes for each of the infinitesimal volume elements in the finite volume, and so the total outward flux is 8B, OB, BB. Po = | (—— 2 . - ot { ( a yt oe ) dv. (1-25) At any given point in the volume, the quantity 9B, | OB, |B. ax” ay" Oz 's thus the ougoing flux per unit volume and is invariant. We call this the divergence of B at the point ‘The divergence of a vector point-function is a scalar point-function. According to the rule for the scalar product, we write the divergence of Bas 8B, 8B, 8B, Sy v. ox Oy Sz (1-26) the divergence is invariant also because both V and the scalar product are invariant. 1.6 THE DIVERGENCE THEOREM Now the total outward flux of a vector B is equal to the surface integral of the normal outward component of B. Thus, if we denote by sf the area of the surface bounding v, the total outward flux is, 10 VECTOR OPERATORS | -aa=[ (Bre ) aw |, \ax ” ay These relations apply to any continuously differentiablet vector field B. Thus Prox [v-Bav. (1-27) [peda = [9 nav (1-28) This is the divergence theorem, also called Green’s theorem, or Gauss's theorem. Note that the first integral involves only the values of B on the surface of area sd whereas the second involves the values of B throughout the volume v. Examples | In an incompressible fluid, let p be the mass density and w the velocity at a given point. Then V- (pe) is everywhere equal to zero, since the outward mass flux per unit volume is zero, Within an explosion, V+ (pv) is positive 1.7 THE LINE INTEGRAL §% B- dl. CONSERVATIVE FIELDS The integrals fo * + Bed, | Bxdl, and [ra. evaluated from the point a to the point b over some specified curve, are examples of line integrals In the first, which is especially important, the term under the integral sign is the product of an clement of length dl on the curve, multiplied by the local value of B according to the rule for the scalar product. A vector field B is conservative if the line integral of B -df around any closed curve is zero: fB-at=o (1-29) The circle on the integral sign indicates that the path of integration is closed. +A function is continuously differentiable if its first derivatives are continuous. . u Fig. 1-7. Closed, rectangular path in the xy-plane, centered on the point P(t, y, 0) where the vector B has the value illustrated by the arrow. The integration around the path proceeds in the direction of the arrows, in accordance with the right-hand serew rule applied to the z-axis. (.8 THE CURL VXB or any given field B and for a closed path situated in the xy-plane, B-dl=B, dx +B, dy (1-30) and $B-at=4B, dx +4 By dy (1-31) Now consider the infinitesimal path in Fig. 1-7. There are two ontributions to the first integral on the right-hand side of Eq. 1-31, one uy ~dy/2 and one at y + dy/2: fB.dr=(8, BS) te — (B+ BD) a (1-32) there is a minus sign before the second term because the path element at v +dy/2 points in the negative x-direction. Therefore, for this in- tnitesimal path, $B dx = - (1-33) Similarly, OB, $a dy = de dy, (1-34) and 2 VECTOR OPERATORS faa (1-38) for the infinitesimal path of Fig. 1-7. If we set (1-36) then $B-ai= 6, dst (1-37) where dst = dx dy is the area enclosed by the infinitesimal path. Note that this is correct only if the line integral runs in the positive direction in the xy-plane, that is, in the direction in which one would turn a right-hand screw to make it advance in the positive direction along the z-axis Consider now g; and the other two symmetric quantities as the components of a vector vx = (BB), (8: ay oz ae a (1:38) which may be written as z 5 2 a 8a 2a vxp=- |2 2 So 1.39 a By Be ae Bo By OB This is the cur! of B. The quantity g, is its z-component. If we choose a vector ds that points in the direction of advance of a right-hand screw turned in the direction chosen for the line integral, then dd = doh (1-40) and $B dl=(0xR)- dt (any This means that the line integral of B - df around the edge of the area dxf is equal to the scalar product of the curl of B by this element of‘area, with the above sign convention 1) STOKES'S THEOREM 13 We have arrived at this result for an element of area dx dy in the \v-plane. Is this result general? Does it apply to any small area, whatever its orientation with respect to the coordinate axes? It does if it is invariant, We have already seen that the scalar product is invariant. Thus the above line integral is invariant. We have also seen that the operator V «und the vector product are invariant. Therefore ¥ x B is invariant. This means that VX is a vector whose value, defined by Eq. 1-41, is mndependent of the particular coordinate axes used, as long as they form \ right-handed Cartesian system. Then Eq. 1-41 is indeed invariant; it sloes apply to any element of area df, and (PxB),= limb Beat (1-42) aod Te Jhus the component of the curl of a vector normal to a small surface of 1a sf is equal to the line integral of the vector around the periphery C of the surface, divided by sf, when this area approaches zero. In general, VX B is not normal to B. See Prob. 1-7. The curl of a gradient is identically equal to zero: Vx (Mf) =0. (1-43) tiample | FLUID STREAM Near the bottom of a fluid stream the velocity v is proportional to the distance from the bottom. Set the z-axis parallel to the direction of flow and the x-axis perpendicular to the stream bottom. Then ¥,=0, ¥=0, (1-44) and the cut ofthe velocity vector i eo5 8 vxee le ef oe 8) 0 0 cx 1.9 STOKES’S THEOREM Fquation 1-41 is true only for a path so small that VX B is nearly constant over the surface ds bounded by the path. What happens when the path is so large that this condition is not met? We divide the 4 Fig. 1-8. An arbitrary surface of area «af bounded by the curve C. The sum of the line integrals around the curvilinear squares shown is equal to the line | integral around C. The positive t direction for the vector df follows 2 the right-hand screw rule surface—any finite surfacet bounded by the path of integration in question—into elements of area df, df, and so forth, as in Fig. 1-8 For any one of these small areas, $ Bedl=(VXB)- det (1-46) We add the left-hand sides of these equations for all the dsé’s and then all the right-hand sides. The sum of the left-hand sides is the line integral around the external boundary, since there are always two equal and opposite contributions to the sum along every common side between adjacent ds¢’s. The sum of the right-hand sides is merely the integral of (Vx B) + ds over the finite surface. Thus fa-a=| 7xB)-aa, (1-47) where .f is the area of any open surface bounded by the curve C This is Stokes’s theorem. It relates the line integral over a given path to a surface integral over any finite surface bounded by that path. Figure 1-8 illustrates the sign convention + This must be an orientable surface, that is, a surface with two sides. Not all surfaces have two sides; a Mobius strip, for instance, has only one side. Sec J. E. Mardsen and A. J ‘Tromba, Vector Calculus, Freeman, New York, 1976, p. 332 7 lt ORTHOGONAL CURVILINEAR COORDINATES 15 ample | CONSERVATIVE FIELDS Under what condition is a vector field conservative? In other words, under what condition is the line integral of B - df around an arbitrary closed path equal to zero? From Stokes’s theorem, the line integral of B - df around an arbitrary closed path is zero if ¥ XB =0 everywhere. This condition is met if B= Vf (1-48) or if VxB=0. (1-49) A field B that is the gradient of some scalar point-function f is therefore conservative. 1.10 THE LAPLACIAN OPERATOR V? the divergence of the gradient of f is the Laplacian of f: where V? is the Laplacian operator. The Laplacian is invariant because it is the result of two successive invariant operations. We have defined the Laplacian of a scalar point-function f. It is also useful to define the Laplacian of a vector point-function B: VB = V°B,, + VB, + VB... (1-51) The Laplacian of a vector is also invariant. Equation 1-51 applies only to Cartesian coordinates. See Sec. 1.11.6. 1.11 ORTHOGONAL CURVILINEAR COORDINATES, lt is frequently inconvenient, because of the symmetries that exist in certain fields, to use Cartesian coordinates. Of all the other possible coordinate systems, we shall restrict our discussion to cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates, the two most commonly used. We could calculate the gradient, the divergence, and so on, direetly in both cylindrical and spherical coordinates. However, it is easier and more xeneral to introduce first the idea of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Consider the equation Fig. 1-9. Element of volume in curvilinear coordinates. The unit vectors Gs. G2, Gu are, respectively, normal to the Gu, 4a, 4; Surfaces at the point P. These unit vectors are mutually perpendicular 4 Piancan an and oriented in such a way that da. UX =H. fle 2)=4 (1-52) in which q is a constant. This equation defines a family of surfaces in space, each member characterized by a particular value of the parameter q. An obvious example is x =q, which defines surfaces parallel to the yz-plane in Cartesian coordinates, Consider now three equations AG W2=G Ay 2)=4 Aly z)=qs (1-53) defining three families of surfaces that are mutually orthogonal. The intersection of three of these surfaces, one of each family, then defines a point in space, and q,, q2, q3 are the orthogonal curvilinear coordinates of that point, as in Fig. 1-9. Call df, an element of length normal to the surface q;. This is the distance between the surfaces q, and q, + dq, in the infinitesimal region considered. Then dl,=h, dq, (1-54) where hy is, in general, a function of the coordinates q,, g2, qs. Similarly, dl,=hzdg> and dly=hy dq. (1-55) With Cartesian coordinates hy, hz, hy are all unity. The unit vectors G,, G2, 4s are normal, respectively, to the q1, 42, 93 surfaces and are oriented toward increasing values of these coordinates We assign the subscripts 1,2,3 to the coordinates in order that QXd=% The orientations of the three unit vectors vary, in general, with 1, Qzs 3. Only in Cartesian coordinates do the unit vectors point in fixed directions. ) ORTHOGONAL CURVILINEAR COORDINATES 7 The volume element is dy = dl, dl dly = hyitshs(dqy dg dqs). (1-56) We can now find the q’s, the A’s, the elements of length, and the elements of volume for cylindrical and spherical coordinates. 1.11.1 Cylindrical Coordinates. In cylindrical coordinates, as in Fig. 1-10, 91=p, g2= , 3=2- At P there are three mutually orthogonal directions defined by the three unit vectors p, @, and 2. The unit vectors p and @ do not maintain the same directions in space as the point P moves about. However, at any siven point, the three unit vectors are mutually orthogonal The vector that defines the position of P is r= pp +28. (1-57) Note that g does not appear explicitly on the right-hand side; it is Specified by the orientation of p. If the coordinates @ and z of the point P remain constant while p increases by dp, then P moves by dr=dp p. If p and z remain constant while @ increases by dp, then dr = pdé ¢. Finally, if p and @ are fixed while z increases by dz, then dr = dz. For arbitrary increments dp, do, dz, the distance element is thus dr=dpp +pdoo+dzé. (1-58) Fig. 1-10. Cylindrical coordinates. 18 Fig. 1-11. Element of volume in cylindrical coordinates. Figure 1-11 shows the volume element whose edges are the elements of length corresponding to infinitesimal increments in the coordinates at the point P of Fig. 1-10. The infinitesimal volume is du = pdp do dz (1-59) 1.11.2 Spherical Coordinates In spherical coordinates the position of a point P has the coordinates r, 0, @ as in Fig. 1-12. Again, the unit vectors #, 8, @ do not maintain the same orientations in space as P moves about. The vector r that defines the position of P is now simply r#, the coordinates @ and @ being given by the orientation of # Also, Fig. 1-12, Spherical coordinates. Me 0.8 = dig —_/ Fig. 1-13. Element of volume in spherical coordinates. dr=dr?+rd00+rsin @do @. (1-60) the volume element, shown in Fig. 1-13, is sin 6 dr d@ dq. (1-61) lable 1-1 shows the correspondence between curvilinear, Cartesian, \lindrical, and spherical coordinates. Note that the angle @ in both cylindrical and spherical coordinates is nuefined for points on the z-axis With Cartesian coordinates, one uses the operator V for the gradient of \ scalar point-function and for the divergence and curl of a vector sunt-function. A single expression defines ¥, and we obtain the vadient, the divergence, or the curl by performing the appropriate Table 1-1 CURVILINEAR CARTESIAN CYLINDRICAL SPHERICAL a a % i fy hy a é a 327 2 rece teete aepe WEB HDNET Bevsse 20 VECTOR OPERATORS multiplication. This relatively simple situation is peculiar to the Cartesian coordinate system. With other coordinate systems, the divergence, gradient, and curl do not permit a single definition for ¥ but require more elaborate expressions that we shall now derive. 1.11.3 The Gradient ‘The gradient is the vector rate of change of a scalar function f: STF ne LG 2 Viasat a ht 5 (1-62) ele inca eer ing 34, 8 Bq, 8 * hy qn (63) For cylindrical coordinates, then, Lof. , of vf= + Le 1-64 f 3p? pap? * az* (1-64) With spherical coordinates, a 1 of, 1 3 vat Hoy af (1-65) © ar" "730°" rsin 830 * is, @ is undefined and both p and sin @ are zero, so these ions are meaningless 1.11.4 The Divergence To find the divergence, consider the volume element of Fig. 1-14. The quantity B, is the q, component of B at the center, and fy, ha, fy are the h values at that point. Since the faces are mutually orthogonal, the outward flux through the left-hand face is 4, = —Byphaz hoy dq: dqs (1-66) ee penta Bhzdqy\(,_ 3h3 day =-(B, eel ae) a DH) day dgs. (1-67) Remember that hz and hy may be functions of q,, just as B,. We may neglect differentials of order higher than the third, and then Buhshs dqs dqy+ do, oq aq, Byhishs) Edgy dq, (1-68) 2 Fig. 1-14, Element of volume, centered on P(q,, qz, qs) where the vector B has the value shown by the arrow. iy a similar argument, 3 dq, 4p = Byhishy dq dqa + 3 (Byhahs) J" dqa day (1-69) be lor the right-hand face. The net flux through this pair of faces is then 3 dPr 3g, Bibel s}dq dq2 dqs. (1-70) If we repeat the calculation for the other pairs of faces to find the net vutward flux through the bounding surface and then divide by the volume vif the element, we obtain the divergence: 1 ya a 3 “B= = (Byhyhy) + bhshy shh ei vB iinlan® hols) + 50° (Boh b+ 5 (Bats) | (1-71) In cylindrical coordinates, (1-72) (1-73) in spherical coordinates,

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