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Directions for turning in the CFC-O PSA

You will need to export your video once if it is only for your grade. Twice if it has been chosen to be submitted to the contest.. The first time you should export it as the usual H.264 (MP4) file format. Name it according to your TEAM assignment. See below, option 1 The second time is if you are submitting your video for the contest. For this purpose you must export it as a QUICKTIME MOVIE format and use the Preset for NTSC DV (NOT Widescreen). If you are doing this correctly your video should have a black bar top and bottom. This is called letterbox. The file will be approximately 104 MB. Make sure you use the unique and special name that has been assigned to your video. See below, option 2. Option 1 Students working by themselves or in pairs (2 people total) can turn in one video This video will need to be submitted twice. Once in the turn in folder for the assignment named CFC Video individual assignment using a file name of TEAM # CFC0 + student names -See Mr. Smith for assigned team # - (example: TEAM 2 CFCO Joe Sam) and a second time in the CFC PSA CONTEST VIDEOS with the file named according to the contest rules. 2014CFCO_WiesbadenHighSchool_Video# - See Mr. Smith to get your assigned # - (example: 2014CFCO_WiesbadenHighSchool_Video27)

Option 2 Students working in groups larger than 2 are required to have each person in the team turn in an edited video. Each group is required to choose the video that best represents their team. This video will need to be renamed and turned in as an entry in the PSA contest. Each video will need to be submitted once to the folder named CFC Video individual assignment with a file name of TEAM # CFC0 STUDENT NAME - See Mr. Smith for assigned team # - (example: TEAM 2 CFCO Joe Sam Mary Jane) The best group PSA will need to be turned in a second time in the CFC PSA CONTEST VIDEOS with the file named according to the contest rules. 2014CFCO_WiesbadenHighSchool_Video# - See Mr. Smith to get your assigned # - (example: 2014CFCO_WiesbadenHighSchool_Video27)

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