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Christina Schiavone English II 4/5/14 The Wars Jason shows all of his emotions through the written word

because of his stammer and the struggle that come with it. Right now. Thats what freaks me. I dip my fountain pen into a pot of ink, and a wessex helicopter crashes into a glacier on South Georgia. I line up my protractor on an angle in my Math book and a Sidewinder missile locks onto a Mirage III. I draw a circle with my compass and a Welsh Guard stands up in a patch of burning gorse and gets a bullet through his eye. How can the world just go on, as if none of this is happening?(106) The tone of the paragraph is confusion and fear. He shows it by the way he places his periods and repetitive structure of sentences. In the chapter Rocks, Jason talks about his parents fighting and the Falkland war that is happing at the same time. He relates those two wars during the whole chapter because the parents fighting to him is like a war. It is just as traumatic to him as the real war happening around him. Jason is scared of what may happen with his parents and what is happening in Britain. The fear is taking over him and the real world is seeping into his. He shows his fear by using brief sentences, because he is getting all of his thoughts out. It seems as if his stammer is now effecting his writing, which reflects how nervous he is. His stammer happens when he uses certain letters and or if he is nervous or scared. He starts almost every sentence with I and that comes of as if he doesn't know what other word to use. Jason is so on edge that he is just spitting what is in his head out on the paper.

In his narration, he incorporates what is happening with him to the events of the Falkland War. I dip my fountain pen into a pot of ink, and a wessex helicopter crashes into a glacier on South Georgia. As seen here, he describes his dipping of the pen and the crashing of the helicopter, two unrelated events, in the same sentence, which reflects Jasons confusion and anxiety over the matter. Jason concludes his narration by questioning why everyone around him is acting as if whats is going on is normal. Jason is affected by two wars at the same time and doesn't know how to react. Between the Falkland War and his parents war, Jason is fearing what is going to happen to him and his family. These are both new experiences for him and he does not know what to think of them. He is confused and scared of what the future may hold for him. As a thirteen year old, his fear is very transparent because of the way he structures his sentences. In the chapter he continues to struggle with the two wars that are surround him.

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