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Personal Planning Philosophy My personal philosophical beleifs on planning and planning practices revolve around the basic idea

that no matter how a community is planned, it can only be planned to be initially envisioned as one particular community. In some cases, proper and precise planning has lead to the development of peopserous sustainable metropolises and even perhaps promote a psuedo utopian lifestyle. In other cases however, hasteful planning or perhaps even an overall lack there of has lead to the catastrophic colapse of that community as a result of detractors such as economic decay, social unrest which ultimately lead to the degredation of the community. With this being the case, it is my observation that these a community as a whole is to be considered a limited resource that can be either capitalized upon or simply wasted and given that the majority of developable lands, or what we preceive them to be at this extreme of scarcity, we must do all we can to ensure that development of these remaining lands are done so in a preservative and sustainable manner. This concept doesnt apply to just developable lands, but all other resources that we find to be dwindling with the rise in global population such as lack of adequate food, water, clean air and most importantly energy. Now that we have realized that not only are these recourses limited, but we have consumed a sizable portion of them already, it becomes even more eveident that we must plan for the future in terms of preserving these resources and coming up with solutions to prolong their existance.

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