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th 20

century Fox

Discovery of

th 20

century Fox.

20th century fox was and is one of the most popular film distributors of all time, based in the united states, it is a combination of two very popular distributors which joined together in 1 !", which was the 20th century pictures and Fox Film corporations. #hey merged together after Fox film was having financial difficulties and was at the urge of declining, however this was prevented by their partnership to 20th century pictures. $fter joining together the two companies the media sector saw the first example of hori%ontal interrogation ta&e place, as it showed two similar businesses merging together.

'randing and (wnership

$fter merging the two businesses together, they had decided on using the logo and fanfare of 20th century pictures as they had participated more in the partnership financially, giving them more rights. $s the logo was so successful it became a very popular brand, and soon became realised by many people. $fter expanding into #), radio and music as well, the 20th century fox became a very respected brand which proved to produce high *uality media. #he ownership of 20th century fox is corporation of two businesses, firstly starting of as an independent later changed into a partnership role as two people joined together.

+arner 'rothers

Discovery of +arner 'rothers

+arner brothers was founded by a family, which were all brothers deciding to set up a movie distribution business hence the name of the company. ,t was founded in 1 2! and has been through a lot lows and successful periods as any other business. -owever it succeeded in running until this day, starting of only as a distributor, after world war 1 it started to also produce movies creating warner brother studios and not only distributing them, showing vertical integration. #his also escalated to eventually having their own radio business alongside what they have got and developing their business. +arner brothers also have synergised as they created a -arry .otter studio in order to honour the success and fans of the films which show overall all the different aspects which +arner 'ro/s have done with their company and how successful they are.

'randing and (wnership

+arner 'rothers is an independent company and has been found and owned by family only amongst many brothers which portrayed different roles within the business. (ver time since they were founded the business became one of the most popular and respected companies of all times, in constant competition with mgm and .aramount pictures, +arner 'rothers was still able to &eep a good competition and is still very popular to this day, expanding its fame with -arry .otter, it is &nown for producing high *uality movies and #) shows as it is part of an vertical integration, owning different parts of the media.

0pecialised 1ogo for -arry .otter.

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