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Wilsons 14 Point Plan

American History By Mr. Bartels

The 14 Point Statement

Was a blueprint for peace given by President Woodrow Wilson during a speech on January 8th, 1918

Given near the end of WWI

Claimed that the United States had entered on moral grounds Plainly laid out the United States postwar goals To end all wars

Woodrow Wilson

Point #1
No more secret agreements, alliances, or treaties amongst nations
Secret alliances had been considered one of the causes of WWI

Point #2
Free navigation of all seas
Even during times of war

U-boat attacks on US ships had been one of the reasons the US entered the war

Point #3
An end to all economic barriers between countries
Free trade would lessen conflicts that may lead to war Promote economic growth worldwide

Point #4
Countries to reduce weapon numbers and stockpiles
Military growth had been a reason for WWI

Point #5
All decisions regarding the colonies should be impartial Colonial people should be take into consideration Imperialism had been a major cause for WWI

Point #6
The German Army is to be removed from Russia
Russia should be left to develop her own political set-up

Point #7
Belgium should be independent It was before the war

Point #8
France should be fully liberated
France should be allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine

Point #9
All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy
Italy's borders are to be "along clearly recognizable lines of nationality."

Point #10
Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria-Hungary.

Point #11
Self-determination and guarantees of independence should be allowed for the Balkan states

Point #12
The Turkish people should be governed by the Turkish government
Non-Turks in the old Turkish Empire should govern themselves

Point #13
An independent Poland should be created
Poland should have access to the sea

Point #14
A League of Nations should be set up to guarantee the political and territorial independence of all states
Work together to avoid conflicts

Students Song

Woodrow Willson's Plan Song

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