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ANML Parent/Wrestler Team Guide (13-14) Coaching Staff: Jason Bartels (320-293-2462), Steve Kosloski (763-250-4093), Steve Fuchs

(320492-8355) Team Philosophy: As a team, we will bring a calm intensity into both the wrestling room and competition; a confident, but modest approach. Expect success, but 'act like you've been there before.' Mental and physical toughness is, and always will be, the key to a successful wrestling program; it will be emphasized and gained every day. Respect will be displayed program wide, from all, and to all. Goals: Our primary goal as a team, and for each individual, is to jump to the 'next level.' We will do this by focusing on improving daily, in every facet possible. Attainable, yet, challenging goals will be set for both the team and individual. Every wrestler should have his own wrestling journal that he will use to keep track of goals and monitor progress. Academics: Our wrestlers are students first. Wrestling is a privilege that goes along with being a good student. If a wrestler is not up to academic standards, there will be consequences (see your schools student handbook). Certain 'at risk' students will be assigned a coach to help monitor and guide the student in the right direction. Wrestlers, be proactive, don't wait until it's too late to get help. Behavior/Conduct: Once again, wrestling is a privilege, and not a right. With this privilege comes a great deal of responsibility. Wrestlers, you are representing more than just yourself. You are a role model, and kids look up to you, act accordingly. Parents, as you all know, there are times when your son may 'mess up'; if and when this time comes, there will be consequences. We could list countless pages of rules and consequences and still not cover every situation that may occur. But, if students follow this simple plan, they should have nothing to worry about..... 'Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there, doing what you are supposed to be doing...' All disciplinary action will be decided by the coaching staffs discretion. We will be fair, but not equal, allowing the situation and past behavior dictate the degree of punishment. Captains: Again, becoming a captain is a privilege, and not a right. Many factors have been taken into account during the decision process. Those not selected to be a captain are still expected and encouraged to be leaders. Practice: Wrestlers, be in the wrestling room laced up and ready to go by 3:30pm. You must attend all practices, with family emergencies and illness being the only exception. If you miss practice due to illness you must contact a coach at least an hour before practice begins (put our numbers on speed dial). General fatigue, soreness, and minor nicks and bruises are not excuses to miss practice. This is where mental and physical toughness come into play. If you are hurt or injured, you are still required to be at practice in gym clothes (we will assign you an appropriate work out). Make-up time will be issued for all missed practices. If possible, try to plan make-up tests/work before school, during study hall, or lunch. Outside Time: We want our program and everyone in it to always be looking to jump to the 'next level'. For this to happen, extra outside work time is a must.

In Season: Cardio, strength, and technique training should be implemented in the mornings at your respective school, after practice, at home, at a health club, or by specialists such as Pinnacle. It will be visible whether or not you are putting in the extra time or not. Off Season: In the off season strength training is a must. At the end of the season the coaching staff will help assign an appropriate weight training program, if one is not already in place. Wrestlers should lift 3-4 times a week in the off season. Mat time is the second, if not the most important way to improve in the off season. Wrestlers do not 'jump levels' by just showing up in November and leaving in February. If you want to wrestle in March, you had better be wrestling in May. See the camps, clinics, and clubs section of the guillotine website (upper right corner) for more details. Options are a plenty, make use of them. Be proactive and seek out what is best for your personally- it will not come to you on its own. Weight Management and Nutrition: Weight management is a reality of wrestling and each individual will be monitored closely by our coaching staff. We understand that there will come a time when weight loss may be necessary to earn or fill a varsity spot. Maintaining and controlling your weight both early in the week and season is fundamental to success. Generally, the weight certification sheet will be used as a guide. Weight loss will not be used as an excuse to act crabby, sick, or to seek sympathy. Handle it with toughness and maturity. A nutritional diet does not need to be confusing at all. If you simply eat proper proportions you should be fine. Cutting out foods such as candy, pop, chips, fries, pastries, and other sugar heavy contents will do wonders. Parents, be wise in what you bring home from the grocery store. If its not at home, it isn't temping. Challenge Matches: The coaching staff will decide all dual meet line-ups, with the aid of captains. All wrestlers will be asked to do what is best for the team, including shuffling weight classes to wrestle tough opponents. Individual records, accolades, and individual seeding considerations should never come before what is best for the team. This is a key area where mental and physical toughness, along with team pride come into play. Challenge matches will be used when necessary for deciding individual tournament line-ups. Coaches must be notified well in advance to plan accordingly. Wrestlers must be within 2lbs of the weight class by 3:30 pm on the day of a challenge match. Challenge matches should be used as a last means necessary, as they are disruptive to practice and can diminish team unity. All final decisions will be up to the coaching staff. Travel: All students are required to ride the bus to and from. If necessary, students may ride home with a parent if the parent signs out with a coach. Please, only do this if necessary, riding home as a group is important for team unity. Lettering: A wrestler must earn 24 team points and finish the season in good standing. Any senior who finishes the year in good standing will letter.

Parents: Parents, you are one of the key components to our programs success. Your time and sacrifices do not go unnoticed. The way in which you can best contribute is through steadfast support and encouragement for the team, your son/daughter, and for the coaching staff. We ask that you handle yourself with class in the stands. Please, no criticizing of officials, opponents, coaching staff, or of team members in the bleachers. Help give ANML wrestling a respectable name. Word travels, officials and opposing teams remember our behavior. Keep it positive and don't get sucked into negative conversations if others present them. There undoubtedly will come a time in the year when you are less than happy with the coaching staff or other members of the program. When this time comes, we ask that it does not get spoken of in the stands, at the dinner table, or anywhere that may jeopardize team solidity in any way. Negativity is unacceptable and can kill a program in a heartbeat. If and when an issue arises the wrestler must first speak with the coach in private. If the issue is still unresolved, a parent may plan a meeting with the coaches, with the wrestler present. We are trying to build leaders through teaching character and responsibility. Wrestlers must learn how to resolve their own issues. Please, allow this process to work itself out, before going to any administration. It is important for all parents to understand how important these students are to the coaching staff. All decisions will be made with the TEAM's goals and best interest in mind. We as coaches cannot be successful if our students are not successful. We will work diligently to ensure that your athlete can rise to their fullest potential both on and off the mat. We welcome the opportunity to continue to serve both you and the communities of Annandale and Maple Lake in this capacity. *Fathers, especially of younger wrestlers: Varsity and JV wrestling is different from youth wrestling in that you are supposed to remain in the stands and be a fan. You are not a coach and are not allowed to be at mat side. This puts unnecessary pressure on the wrestler and undermines the coaching staff. One of the largest problems coaches identify in younger wrestlers is that they are not allowed to think and grow for themselves. I absolutely understand the passion that drives one to unknowingly overstep this boundary. The more self-sufficient the wrestler learns to become, the better he will be as a wrestler. Please, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. I will do the best that I can to help answer any of them.

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