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The Harlem Renaissance was a time period from the end of World War I to the mid-1930s in which African-Americans flocked to Harlem, in New York, which produced amazing writing, poetry, music, and art (Library of Congress). Chicago and Philadelphia also became cultural centers, attracting intellectuals and all kinds of artists (Educational Broadcasting Corporation). Writing and poetry of the Harlem Renaissance often discussed alienation, marginality, racism, and the separation between classes (Reuben).These works reinforced the pride of African-Americans; however, they often had little impact on the barriers of Jim Crow which separated races (Educational Broadcasting Corporation). The Harlem Renaissance also led to other achievements among African-Americans. In 1922, the Harmon Foundation was started. It built community centers, paid college tuition for poor students, and gave awards to AfricanAmericans who excelled in the arts (Library of Congress).

Above is a photo of Paul Robeson, an influential figure of the Harlem Renaissance.

Social Impact
There were many demands for racial equality in the 1920s and 1930s. These decades were some of the first in which whites and African-Americans collaborated to change the American societys racism and segregation. Zora Neale Hurston, Paul Robeson, and Claude McKay were all very intent on achieving racial equality. They transformed American society for many years to come. African-Americans wanted to create more positive images of African-Americans; this was one of the many goals they achieved. The Harlem Renaissance attacked the white supremacy in US, and political activists attacked everyday racism through protests and courts. Lastly, The Harlem Renaissance forced all Americans to recognize the contributions of African-Americans to American culture, specifically in dance, music, and poetry (Powell, Stewart and Drummond.)

Above is a photo of Langston Hughes.

Langston Hughes
James Langston Hughes, an important leader of the Harlem Renaissance, was born in Missouri in 1902. He was raised by his grandmother. In 1926, after graduating from Columbia University, his first book of poetry was published, and his first novel was published in 1930. He died in 1967 (Academy of American Poets).

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