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Olmstead 1 Jesse Olmstead Raymond English 1102 27 March 2014 Straight Ahead Looking back at my Semester-Long Multimodal Project

I would say everything is going as planned. Our original focus is pretty solid. The sociological perspective is a large portion of the prohibition era in itself. So, Brock should have no problem finding lots of information. Along with that, my side, the economical perspective, will be tough,. Nevertheless, it will not be unmanageable. For this project our inquiry question is really how the prohibition era affected the country then and now. Though a lot has been done to find out what went wrong during the time period of the 18th Amendment. However our group wants to explore how prohibition still affects todays world. And that inquiry question has pretty much remained the same throughout the time spent working on the project. When first starting the project research phase, I assumed that all the states in America enforced prohibition. Yet, that was not the case at all. In a chart that I plan to apply to the PowerPoint, it shows more states did not enforce alcohol related crimes than those who did. Unlike many families my family is known to have a few cases of alcoholism throughout. I feel like since I have experienced alcoholism close to home it makes me a little more interested in how alcoholism affects society today.

Olmstead 2 I have had to change the way I have approached the economical side of the project. It makes sense as to why I did. During a time period of alcohol sales being illegal, no one took statistics about alcohol sales. Now I plan to explore what the economy missed before and after prohibition, to compare what the United States lost during the time period.

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