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Espaol 2 5Escribir

Nombre: Cecilia Brown

Verbos como gustar First, if you need to review gustar verbs use the links below. Website: Video: Now, in English, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining how gustar verbs works. Write as if your reader were a beginning Spanish student. Include vocabulary such as: subject, verb, conjugation, agreement, and indirect object pronoun. Cite at least 3 examples using the verbs: gustar, encantar, doler, parecer, and/or quedar. Be sure to include what your examples mean in English. The verb gustar (to like) is different than a lot of other verbs in Spanish. We group the verbs that act similar to gustar into a group called gustar verbs. When using a gustar verb, there are only two ways to conjugate it. You can only use the he/she/usted form or the they form. If the subject is something singular, you use the he/she/usted form. If the subject is something plural, then you use the they form of the verb. For example, if you are trying to say we like the dog, dog is singular so you would say Nos gusta el perro. If you want to say you like the books, books is plural so you would say Te gustan los libros. Before the verb you are using, you have to include an indirect object pronoun. Indirect object pronouns are me, te, le, nos, and les. You put this in front of the verb to tell who the action is happening to. So for example, if you are trying to say I like ice cream, you would say me gusta helado. If you wanted to say you like ice cream, you would say te gusta helado. If you use le or les, you should clarify who you are talking about. To do this you say a and then their name. You must include the a before the name. Some examples of gustar verbs are encantar (to love), doler (to hurt), and quedan (to fit). If you are trying to say the shoes fit me, you would say, me quedan los zapatos. If you want to say Claires feet hurt her, you would say, a Claire le duelen los pies.

Rubric: Ideas/explanation Vocabulary Examples Complete explanation Accurate explanation Concise grammatical terminology used Grammatical terms used correctly Variety of examples English translations correct Grammar is correct 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1

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