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When the paediatrician first suggested our son was autistic we just laughed it off.

It was only when we had our second child that we began to realise that our son had slowly slipped into autism. Looking back at photos and events we realised that the start of eye contact avoidance, preferring to be alone and the sad far away look began about 16 1! months. "aving a degree in biochemistry I decided that any abnormal state, #l$heimer%s disease, chronic fatigue, #&"&, autism etc. would have biological imbalances. I bought a few books. 'hey said my son would have heavy metal poisoning (tick aluminium, antimony), a to*ic gut (tick yeast, klebsiella, clostridia), impaired absorption (tick protein starvation despite ade+uate diet and supplements), impaired immunity (tick high antibodies for strep and measles) and multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies (omega , and 6, folate, vitamins -1., &,,/,0, $inc, magnesium, manganese and calcium to name but a few). We began our biomedical journey by starting the gluten1dairy free diet. 2luten is highly allergenic so removing it from the diet should help release pressure on the immune system. We have been on the diet for about three years now. It is so important as it made our son become part of his own world. -efore the diet, he used to vacantly stare into space a lot. It helped him focus on his environment a lot more. 3or us $inc supplementation has been ama$ing for improving our son4s concentration. 0very time we increased the $inc dose his teachers, who were unaware of the changes, would report how focused he was. -iomedical intervention has given us real hope for a better future for our son. We are on a long journey fi*ing the biological chaos that lies beneath the autism. 0ach step of the way his autistic symptoms diminish. 'hey haven%t gone and possibly never will but if we hadn%t gone down this road how much further disconnected from the world would he be by now5

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