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Dr Peters has written a very useful, extensive home medical reference that contains a wealth of practical, easy-to-follow advice. Each condition is introduced with a short description, and circumstances under which one should consult a doctor immediately are conveniently placed first. For illnesses that can be safely treated at home, effective nonprescription treatments are recommended, as well as non-drug treatments such as peppermint oil for irritable bowel syndrome, feverfew to prevent migraines, and relaxation exercises for stress. The major strength of this book lies in the hundreds of practical tips and techniques for treating and preventing common symptoms and illnesses. The illustrations are an excellent complement to the text and are very helpful for demonstrating, for example, the technique for steam inhalation, how to stop a nosebleed, or how to get out of bed when one has back pain. The techniques for calming a baby with sleep problems or colic will be quite valuable to new parents. First aid is also covered, and a glossary of nonprescription treatments mentioned in the book is included. It is clear that Dr Peters is a competent, experienced physician with loads of common sense. This book contains an enormous amount of practical, easily understood information, and would be an excellent addition to any home library.

Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD

People today are more aware of health issues than ever before, but they are frequently confronted with a bewildering array of self-help advice. There is often little guidance through this maze, leaving many confused about when and whom to ask for help, and sometimes suffering because they do not want to bother their doctor with "trivial" complaints. As a general practitioner for many years, I have always felt it is important to empower people by giving them clear information to enable them to make sensible decisions about their health. In writing Home Doctor I have tried to put this into practice, covering over 150 common conditions for which home treatment is often appropriate. In each article, I have given guidance on identifying your condition and deciding whether self-help is suitable, and advised on practical help and treatment. A range of drug and natural remedies is suggested in this book (with more information, such as brand names, listed in an AZ list at the back). There is a vast number of treatments available in pharmacies and health stores, but I have confined myself to those that are likely to be most effective. Naturally, there will be omissions or alternatives that may be just as suitable. As much as possible, I have used a similar evidence-based approach in choosing natural remedies, with the occasional addition of a soothing herbal tea or oil that may help and is unlikely to cause harm. In researching and writing this book, I have tried to create a simple home reference that can be turned to when any family member is sick or needs medical advice. However, a book can give only general guidance and is no substitute for professional advice. When you cant find an answer here, or are in any doubt about a medical condition, you should see your own doctor.

Dr Michael Peters

How to use this book Symptom finder 8 9 Corns and calluses Warts and plantar warts Athletes foot and jock itch Boils 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Tinnitus Foreign object in the ear 67 68



Heat rash and sunburn Ringworm Dandruff

General symptoms
Fever Excessive sweating Itching Fatigue Hangover Difficulty sleeping Jet lag Feeling faint or dizzy Stress Feeling depressed Panic attacks Poor memory 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25

Lice Unwanted or ingrown hair Hair thinning and hair loss Disfigured or brittle nails Nail biting Ingrown toenail

Mouth, nose, and throat problems

Chapped or cracked lips Cold sore Mouth ulcers Bad breath Sore mouth or tongue Bleeding gums Toothache and sensitive teeth Knocked-out tooth Blocked or runny nose Common cold Sinusitis Hay fever Sore throat Hoarseness and loss of voice Nosebleed Snoring 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

Eye and ear problems

Itchy eyes Dry eyes Conjunctivitis Stye Contact lens problems Foreign object in the eye 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

Infectious diseases
Mumps Rubella Mononucleosis Measles Influenza Pertussis Chicken pox Shingles 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Black eye Earwax Earache Swimmers ear Popping ears

Skin, hair, and nail problems

Impetigo Scabies Urticaria Acne Eczema Psoriasis Rosacea Dry skin 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Head, back, and limb problems

Headache Migraine Stiff or sore neck Lower back pain Shoulder pain Tennis or golfers elbow Hip pain Knee pain Leg cramps 85 86 87 88 90 91 92 93 94

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