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What is wrong with this K-Cup?

Our Product NGC

-Uses all recyclable materials -Costs less to produce -Costs less to buy -Has same efficiency as a K-Cup

Cost of Our Product

Coffee Grounds $0.31 per 1 cup Filter $0.08 for 1 My K-Cup $15.00 Our Product is better than K-Cups because instead of buying 24, nonrecyclable K-Cups, you could buy our product which is recyclable and cheaper.

K-Cup Cost
1 Box of 24 Keurigs KCups


Cardboard Box

Aluminum Foil $0.02 per sheet

Total Cost
1 Complete Box of 24 of Our Product

$0.74 per box

Plus $15.00 for 1 time

Recycling helps the environment by - Costing less money to produce new things. - Creates less pollution. - Takes more things out of landfills.

- Uses mixture of plastics-makes it nonbiodegradable

Our Product
- Uses recyclable filter paper - Cheaper than K-Cups - Everything is biodegradable

- Very expensive
- Uses plastic covered foil which makes it non-biodegradable

- Cheaper to produce - Cheaper to buy - Efficient to use - Completely biodegradable or recyclable - Doesnt pollute the air - Helps stop global

Online Sources - Sams Club - Bureau of Labor Statistics - Keurig - Target

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