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Devotional 18/03/13

Make a move
Luke 10:33

But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he was moved with compassion, This excerpt says about the good Samaritan, a excerpt very known for everyone, however, I want just emphasize a word in the whole history, which I believe that made all the difference. The word moved, an attitude of action made all the diference in that man s life, who simply did not see, did not feel sorry, or pray for him, but he moves. Dear, religion has trapped us enough to block us from moving, has put rules and schedules that we were unable to move. God is a God of motion, from beginning to the end, we see a God that moves, and this is so true that He moved from the sky to the earth for the salvation of the world. Move means: Freedom, go to date, act, break routines and walk according to the Spirit urges us. So how can we understand how to get out of comfort zone, and here I believe it to be the biggest hindrance, or difficulty to move. The result of move will always commit us, to donate, to involve us, and the fear by these things can block us to moving. That Samaritan donated himself, involved himself, and committed him when decided to help the injured man, he was free to move in the direction of people, in obedience to the Lord's voice. The Bible says that Simeon was moved by the Spirit to go to Temple, realize that God often urges us to move, and we need to discern these impulses within ourselves. Move in other words also means: out of a slave schedule, which has trapped the flowing of God for everyone to be achieved and met. Beloved, move, get out of the sedentary lifestyle, accommodation and note beside you how God wishes to move to very people and He will only do this if you move. Think About It! Alberto Carlos Macedo.

Vocabulary however no entanto/ entretanto/ contudo/ todavia whole - todo/ inteiro feel sorry sentir pena trapped - aprisionado schedules - agendas to urge - encorajar hindrance - obstculo to commit - comprometer slave - escravo achieved - alcanados

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