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Emily Meyer EDCI 270 Professor Kadir Project 3 Narrative a) What works best about your project?

I believe the strongest part of my project is the fact that it is geared towards 7th graders specifically and the reading and content level matches that. I also believe my prompts within my motivation slides are good to show the students what is right or wrong and direct them to the right spot. b) What do you wish you had time, energy, and money to make this project even better? If I had more time I would have added more information to the slides to make it more comprehensive to the students so that they can really understand Shakespeares life. As well I would have made a more interesting video if I had more money, because the video seems just to be an over cap of everything I said earlier. c) What value did the planning cards and the peer evaluation have for your project? I feel the planning cards really helped the development of the project itself. Because I did the planning cards and received an evaluation, making the PowerPoint was much faster and easier. d) What have you learned about the instructional planning process based on the completion of this project? Honestly, I simply learned that it is a long process. It takes a lot of time to make instructional material. This is because it took the class at least three weeks to really hone in our entire project and even then it is not perfect. e) Which of the NETS/ISTE teacher standards have you addressed and how they were addressed, through the development of this project? I addressed the 7th grade Language arts standards that state that students must be able to address literary works in their historical context. When they mean address, the standards mean to say analysis as well as address to others.

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