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Maricruz O.

Rodriguez Ortiz PSYCH 1100 10:00-11:20AM

Reflection 3) Reflect on how you thought about (course topic) before you took this course and how you think about it now that the course is over. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed? Why? What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will you approach (course topic) differently in the future? Before I took psychology this semester I knew it would be difficult. I took an AP Psych class in high school and I nearly made it out alive. I have a hard time understanding some of the concepts, its an interesting class and I like that there is a lot to learn, because everything thats discussed leaves you with more questions than what you originally started with. I knew there was going to be a lot of reading involved because thats how the course was in high school, and every time I have to force myself to read. I wont lie, I have learned a couple of things throughout the semester, I just wish we had more group discussions. I seem to learn more whenever we do, but now that the course is nearly done I feel like I could have done better with my assignments. My understanding of the class has changed since starting back in January, I understand more about psychology. There are a few concepts I still dont understand but going over them more helps me comprehend. With the discussions we did have, those were helpful because I got

to hear how other people interpret what we learn and that helps me a lot in understanding what were going over in class. The quizzes really helped me learn and understand the chapter when we go to the discussions in class. I also liked the person papers that we had to do because the concepts in the book made a lot more sense when we had to interpret them into our own thoughts. The next time I take another psychology class I will make sure I keep up on my reading so I get better grades in every assignment we might get, and ask a lot more questions if I dont understand a certain concept.

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