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Michael DeVries October 17, 2013 Case 7-2

Improved Connections to Investors: Only Clear Signs from Alaska Communications

SUMMARY: Communication throughout Alaska has never been up to par, now they are finally doing something about it. The Alaska Communications Systems group engaged Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates to launch an investor relations program to communicate the new management teams strategy to improve on this situation. Also, a new CEO and CFO were appointed to the ACS team, and partnered with the Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates. Focusing on its capital market plan, trying to grow revenue leveraging the strongest wireless offering in Alaska, to reduce costs using process improvement teams, and conduct transactions to reduce interest expense and variable rate risk. These efforts resulted in three articles in prominent, national financial publications, diversified institutional ownership, and increase analyst coverage. Resulting in improved stock performance.

STRENGTHS: Bringing in the professional group Lippert/Heilshorn & Associates to help with their launch their investor relations program. The LHA securing press interviews, which led to three significant media placements in renowned financial publications.

WEAKNESSES: The campaign only highlighted Pelletiers contributions, they should have used everyone who was involved. ACS wasting the companys time by withdrawing the income deposit security.

SUGGESTIONS: ACS could have shown more effort to show that they wanted to have the best customer support, and program they could possibly have. Giving special offers may have helped, giving the customer a chance to experience their new product.

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