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(FUVEST 2000) Lara Croft, adventurer and archaeologist, flees through an underground cavern from a pack of pursuing dogs, only to find her way blocked by a chasm. Cornered, she reaches over her shoulder into her backpack, retrieves an orange bottle, and drinks its contents. Revitalized, she gives the dogs the slip and sprints to safety. So runs the latest British television commercial for Lucozade, a soft drink. Ms. Croft, the energetic computer-generated heroine of the Tomb Raide games, was the obvious person to star in it. But if a character from a computer game can appear in an advertisement, what about the other way around? Why not put ads in computer games?
The Economist, July 24th 1999

1. According to the passage, Lara Croft is: a) a film star appearing in an ad run by British television. b) an actress playing the role of a heroine in a computer game. c) a character appearing in a British TV programme called Tomb-Raider. d) a character appearing in a British TV ad based on a computer game. e) a actress wore the Lara Croft s cosplay. 2. the energetic computer-generated heroine means: a) the energetic heroine who was generated by a computer. b) the computer which generated an energetic heroine. c) the heroine who generated an energetic computer. d) the energetic heroine who generated a computer. e) the energetic drink called Lara Croft. 3. We can deduce from the passage that it might be a good idea to: a) use stars to advertise computer games on TV. b) advertise computer games on TV. c) put commercials in computer games. d) use ads featuring energetic stars on TV. e) forbid the character of game in television commercial. 4. Hell meet us there, __________________? a) shall he b) will he c) he will d) shall he e) doesnt he 5. You woldnt have worked there, _______________? a) wouldnt he b) havent he c) would he d) have he e) has he

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