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1. Nothing. 2. The three things I learned were: a.

Since I have been in the public sector for almost 20 years, I did not know that a private employer could test or regulate for off-duty activity such as alcohol consumption, tobacco use and moonlighting. (p. 682) b. The things employers can do during a unionizing campaign like hold meetings in an effort to address or solve problems it becomes aware of. Establish a suggestion box or complaint process. (p. 742 c. The number of right-to-work states which now includes Michigan. I have always heard about the southern states being right-to-work, but was surprised at the mid-west and northern states that have laws on the books. (p. 746) 3. The quizzes I scored a 100% and 80% respectively. a. I have a history of collective bargaining in the public sector, yet I missed two on the chapter 14 quiz. I guess I wasnt as clear on the Clayton Act and how it exempted labor organizations from federal antitrust laws. The second thing was you really need to read the words before answering the question. In question 7 I thought it said may not engage instead of engage. Reading and slowing down is very important. I have flagged pages throughout this textbook that will assist me in my job duties at work.

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