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Unit Objectives Unit 2 The Musical Staff - Quiz Students will be able to: Identify a musical staff Identify

ify lines and spaces Explain the use of different lines Show the difference between a line note and a space note Define pitch Choose what letters are used to name notes Unit 3 Clefs Draw clefs in the right spot on a staff Students will be able to: Define clef Name the three most common clefs Draw the different clefs Name instruments that use the different clefs Identify the purpose of a clef Unit 4 Rhythm Part 1 Draw rests and notes in order and write how many beats each gets Students will be able to: Define beat List the notes from shortest to longest Identify how many beats each note gets List the three rests Draw each of the three rests Unit 5 Rhythm Part 2 - Quiz Students will be able to: Explain the information a time signature gives Identify the three most common time signatures Explain what the top number of a time signature does Explain what the bottom number of a time signature does Demonstrate how different notes are counted Unit 6 Sharps and Flats Compose a measure of music using all terms and notation given in course so far Students will be able to: Describe the use of an accidental Name the different types of accidentals Draw sharps, flats and naturals Define a half step Define a whole step

Identify what accidentals are used going up and down a scale Compose a measure of music

Unit 7 Scales - Quiz Define octave List the series of half and whole steps in a major scale Draw the symbol for a half and whole step Explain how a key signature and a major scale are related List order of sharps and flats Choose a key when given amount of accidentals

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