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Cao 1 Judy Jiao Cao Mrs.

Sickler English 4 March 16, 2014

Real Word Problems 21th century was probably one of the fastest technology growing period of human history, many problems appear as the industry grow. 1945, the nuclear bomb that America dropped in Japan during World War II was a great example. And now days, the nuclear power station is built everywhere. 3 years ago one nuclear power station had a nuclear waste leaking accident and it terribly influenced all the countries around Japan. At that time, everything in the ocean was polluted. Back to our daily life, one of my familys old friend married in New York, with her lesbian girlfriend. They couldnt get marry in China so they decided to leave their home and come to US to live with each other. Their love was not accepted by the society, their parents tried to threatened them by suicide, and they were warned by many other people who think homosexual is not acceptable at all. I know in Christianity homosexual is not allowed too, however, I think everybody should be treated equally no matter what his/her sexual orientation is. The issue of sexual preference is getting very serious, gay people wants to fight for their rights, and majority of the society still hold the attitude of not agreeing. Besides these problems, domestic violence and abuse, youth pregnancy and parenting, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, internet safety like cyber bullying and so on, HIV and AIDS, theres so many problems that we need to worry about.

Cao 2 For domestic violence, womans basic rights are not protected. In some regions of the world, woman are still treated as slaves to their husband once they get married. Also, as the social media starts teaching kids the opening of sexual behavior, more and more young girls get pregnant by having sex at very young age. The legalization of alcohol and drugs in some parts of the country and world also creates so many problems. Eating disorders often happens with young girls who want skinny body without seeing the consequence of not eating regularly. Cyber bullying starts making effects on people more than what we could image, the number of people committed suicide that because of cyber bullying is growing so fast. HIV and AIDS due to the multiple ways of contacting with HIV carrier caused so many consequences too.

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