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Hope Olympics

Team Up To Give A Child Hope

This event is benefiting Lighthouse Family Retreat, a nonprofit organization that was founded with the mission to serve families living through childhood cancer at seaside retreats by helping them to laugh, restore family relationships and find hope in God (Lighthouse Family Retreat [Brochure] 2013).
Teams will compete in a series of fun outdoor games and attempt to gain points for their individual teams. There will be a First, Second, and Third place award as well as a Team Spirit Award and an award for the team that donates the most items from the Lighthouse Wish List. Team spirit be measured by how you cheer on your team: posters, jerseys

There are two requirements for your team to be accepted: 1) Fill out the form below and hand it back to Diana Weidle or you can place it in her mailbox: #1097 2) You must donate the number of items (as a team) from the Lighthouse Wish List. You can either bring these items to Diana Weidle personally in apartment 102, to a meeting, or you can bring them on the event day, but you MUST notify Diana Weidle before hand if you are going to bring the items on the day of the event or else your team will not be accepted. Donations are due by March 28th, 2014.
Your Team will be added to a FaceBook group titled: Lighthouse Hope Olympics. All updates, forms, and inform ation will be on this group. Please repeatedly check this group for important upcoming information and possible meetings. There will be a meeting for all participants (date TBA) to ask questions and watch a short video about the mission of Lighthouse Family Retreat and what your donations are helping provide this upcoming summer.

Your team members will also get a shirt for signing up to participate. Club/ Organization/ Team Name ________________________________________________________________ Number of Team Member: _________________________________________________________________________ Deadline to Enter is Friday March 14, 2014 Contact Information: Diana Weidle Apartment 102 e-mail Mailbox # 1097 cell phone 678-665-7326

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