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In life, possibly a bunny. But Ive never hunted bunnies, Just rabbits If its dead, is it a bunny or a rabbit?

Technically a bunny might be a baby rabbit Although the academic term is kitten (I know, right?) Right now lets disregard hares; too many puns. Does death add dignity, Make the y at the end distasteful? Is a bunny on my plate less tasty than a rabbit? But dignity has a y. If bunny and dignity can share a y, Can a bunny borrow dignity? Maybe dignity gets a pass for having no other options. While bunny chooses to be bunny, not rabbit Maybe we want death to shave off our nicknames, Extend the courtesy to all others In the hope, in the end, theyll extend it to us When our throat gurgles, When our bowels release whatever they were holding onto When we turn near green, When were baked extra crispy or put in a box, Please, at least call us rabbits, not bunnies

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