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Ethos, Pathos, Logos I chose this piece of advertisement from the organization PETA, an organization created to protect animals.

The reason that this piece of advertisement was made was to try and stop or decrease the amount of seals that wee being killed in Canada. To be honest I would have never paid this piece any of attention if it were not for the big picture of Steve-O. So one of their main choices was to go with Ethos and use a popular celebrity that most people know to get there attention to just read about the issue in Canada. If you look at his facial expressions you can tell that whatever he is thinking about or presenting is not a good thing. Another thing is that he is earing a shirt that has a picture of a seal on it, which to me is a little different to see Steve-O wearing something of that nature. Also they use Logos to grab the attention of the reader so they dont think that this information is just made up or coming from nowhere. Each year, tens of thousands of seals, many of which are still babies, are massacred. Its time to demand a permanent end to Canadas cruel seal slaughter. This is logos because of the statistics that is used in the quote; this really grabs my attention being the number person I am. I am a guy so I try not to be a really emotional person but Steve-O also does not appeal to be an emotional person either, but when you view this picture you can tell that something inside of him is churning. This is where the Pathos comes into play. The quote that I wrote earlier is even pathos along with logos, yes it does show numbers and statistics, but I do not know of many people that can sit there and read about seals getting slaughtered and killed as babies and it not get to their emotions. I have never really gotten a piece of advertisement and actually thought about what each and every detail meant.

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