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Academician For a Day!

Name: ____________________________

Date: ____________

Mod: ________

Page: ________

Directions: You will imagine that you are either Booker T. Washington or W.E.B. DuBois and design your own institute of higher learning (college, university, or vocational school). Complete each section to create your institute of higher learning being sure to include details we learned about these two men. Important: These two men each had very different ideas about how to improve the lives of African Americans during this time period. As you think about creating your school consider their childhood and how it impacted their views as adults.

Name of Institution:

School Colors

School Motto:___________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Courses 1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________

School Benefactor:

Draw a picture of your schools mascot here

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